Committed to Not Commit

I was saddened the other day as I thought of all the people I’ve known over the years who chose to live with someone instead of getting married, even those who did in fact marry each other at a later time.  I couldn’t help but think how God feels when people make such a decision, and even worse when they profess to be Christians and seek to find a way to justify it as being acceptable in Gods sight.  While there may have always been some who have done this in the past, it seems as though it is becoming rampant in America and the world we now live in as never before.  What is this world coming to?

One of the reasons some choose to live with someone before getting married is to see if they can even live together before making an official commitment to each other.  They view it as a “try before you buy” transaction with the option to walk away if they find it doesn’t suit them.  Another reason some give for this is that they don’t need a paper to show their committed to each other, and that outside of a piece of paper their relationships are no different.  Some say they do it because it is more cost effective than it is to be married, and others are just flat out against getting married.  Finally, and possibly the most ludicrous reason of all, comes from professing Christians who try to say that God views living together with someone the same as being married.

There are a number of reasons why people embrace the above mindsets to justify a life style of living with someone without marrying them.  It could be that they’ve had bad experiences in previous marriages and don’t want to go through that again.  It could be that they’ve seen bad marriages and feel the best way to avoid the pitfalls of marriage is to not get married, or at least try living together first for a period of time before making such a commitment.  For some, it could be that money speaks louder to them than a committed relationship, or perhaps they just don’t want to feel ‘weighted down’ by a commitment that they view as restrictive or as a form of bondage.

What it comes down to is that these individuals are just “committed to not commit”.  Have you ever heard someone, perhaps yourself, adamantly say that there is no such thing as absolutes?  Well, they are saying that they are absolute in thinking that there are no absolutes, so in essence they are discounting their own statements.  The same is true when people are determined to avoid making a marriage commitment by just living with someone.  They are basically saying that they are committed to not commit themselves to another in a marriage relationship.

When it comes to professing Christians that take the position there is no difference in Gods eyes between living with someone and being married, they are grasping for a way to rationalize such behavior as okay.  These individuals seem to think that if they are living with and having ongoing sexual relations with someone then God views that as marriage, but is that true?  If that were true then at what point does fornication become adultery?  By definition, the primary difference between fornication and adultery is whether or not it involves at least one individual that is married.  If at least one individual is married then it is considered adultery, otherwise this same behavior is considered fornication.  I should add at this point that even if a couple is separated but still legally married, sexual relations with someone other than their spouse is considered as adultery.  I talked with a professing Christian several years ago who was living with someone and trying to convince me that it was the same as being married in Gods eyes.  They seemed to think a piece of paper was a mere technicality that really held no real significance.  As I pondered this I came to a conclusion that in one way a piece of paper is not the key, though at the same time it is.  In our American culture one of the steps required for two people to become married includes this piece of paper we call a “Marriage License”, but this is not required in other cultures.  While it may be true this piece of paper is not required in other cultures, my understanding is that each culture still has a process, if I can call it such, by which two people become officially “joined” together that friends and family observe and recognize as binding.  So, while on one hand it isn’t the piece of paper that makes the difference in Gods eyes, it is the culturally recognized, accepted, and legal means through which people are known as married to each other, and therefore it is what God looks at.  So, to say that God views the two lifestyles as the same is merely a twisting of things to help themselves feel justified in their behavior, basically deceiving themselves into believing one of many lies the enemy of our souls is selling to any who will buy them.

When we talk of being “committed to not commit” in regards to these relationships, I find it interesting that this is often true in regards to many people’s relationship with Jesus.  Just as many want the benefits of marriage without the marriage commitment, and they will find every excuse they can to justify it, the same is true regarding our relationships with Jesus.  Many want the benefits of being a follower of Jesus, but they don’t want to make the commitment Jesus requires of all who follow after Him.  They will find some reason, some excuse, as to why they won’t commit to following Jesus on His terms, but oh how they want all the benefits and blessings of such a relationship.  Just as some don’t want to commit to another in marriage because they want to keep parts of their life to themselves, many do the same with Jesus when they ‘compartmentalize’ what parts of their life they will or will not give and surrender to Him.  Just as a person choosing to live with someone without marrying them is actually demonstrating a lack of commitment to them, even so a person who chooses to follow Jesus without the commitment and terms He requires is telling Him they are not really committed to Him.

So, there are two simple questions to ask ourselves.  The first question to be asked is for those who are living with someone they are not married to, “Are you truly committed to them for the rest of your life?”  If you are truly committed to that person for life, then you need to stop living with and having sexual relations with the other individual until after you’re married to them, whether or not they want to get married to you.  If you’re not truly committed to that person, or they are not committed to you, you still need to stop living and having sexual relations with them.  That is the right thing to do in the sight of God.  The second question to ask is, “Are you truly committed to following Jesus with your life no matter what?”  If so, then you need to be committed to Jesus wholly and completely no matter what.  To live any other way is to only be a fan of Jesus and not a true follower.  If this is you, then you need to renew your commitment to Him, and to begin making the necessary changes in your life that reflect that commitment.  It’s not a one-time decision you make, but it’s a daily decision to make, and for some a moment by moment decision.  Will you make that decision to commit, or are you “committed to not commit”?

As In The Days Of …

Many say that either Jesus isn’t coming or that if He does it won’t be any time soon, but what guarantee do they have of this?  Why are they so convinced of this line of thought?  From what do they draw such conclusions?  Is it simply because He hasn’t returned yet so they are quick to assume they are correct, or is it because they simply want to reject it as fantasy or some religious teaching used for the purpose of controlling its followers?  Good questions.

Recently I’ve talked to some about the current state and future of our United States of America.  Some of these people are professing Christians and some who are not.  It is obvious that this country is divided, perhaps even more than it was leading up to the civil war of the late 1800’s.  I talk or listen to some who are very concerned about the current state of this country, and even more concerned about its future in light of the direction it is headed in.  There are others who see things from a very different perspective.  They tend to see only “good” things ahead, but it’s a perspective that is often times short-sighted and self-centered with little understanding of how things will play out or how they conflict with the ways of God.

We live in a time, or at least here in America, where “whatever feels good” or “truth is whatever you BELIEVE it to be” is the ruling school of thought, but this is very dangerous as it attempts to put the ways and wisdom of God on a shelf called “old fashion”.  There is little regard for God and His way of seeing things, and in our pride we think we can survive and thrive in the absence of the One who created ALL things.  It sounds rather silly if you ask me.  It’s as if the stuffed animal we made last summer (no, I didn’t really make one) has the capacity to live and survive independent of us no matter what comes its way.  Or the dog we raised from birth decides it doesn’t have to live according to the parameters we have raised in.  This is nothing less than absurdity, but that is how people treat the God who created them in the first place.

Like I said, we live in a time when God, and Jesus, His only begotten Son, are being pushed out of practically every area of our lives.  Those who continue to embrace Jesus and to follow and serve Him with their lives, they are increasingly being looked down upon as “narrow or closed-minded”, and because of this they are increasingly being viewed as the primary hindrance to ‘peace’ and ‘unity’ for the world.  It’s only a matter of time before the God of all creation steps in and makes things right again.  America, a country founded and built upon the Judeo-Christian beliefs and values found in the Bible, has been turning its back on God, embracing some of the prominent values and morals that fly in the face of what God has said is right in His sight, and with little concern for the consequences of such behavior.

It has been said many times over the years that God is going to judge America, and I believe we are closer to that judgment than ever before.  We as a country are going full-speed as far from God as possible, embracing most everything that is contrary to God.  Some of the values we are so aggressively pursuing as a country were the very ones found in Sodom and Gomorrah before God judged it, so why do we think that God won’t judge us?

I was thinking about how America is on the brink of Gods judgment the other night and something came to my mind.  The scriptures tell us that as in the days of Noah and Lot so it will be when He returns for His bride.  I think the times we are now living in fits that description, and if that is the case then we need to remember what transpired with Noah and Lot.  With Noah God was going to not only judge the world but He was going to destroy all humanity, but because Noah was found righteous in Gods sight he and his family were spared by being in the ark God told him to build.  With Lot, God was going to judge and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin and wickedness that prevailed there, but because of Abraham’s intercession God spared Lot and his two daughters by leading them out by angels just as He began to destroy the towns.  Yes, Lots wife was initially with Lot when they were leaving, but because she disobeyed Gods instructions and looked back as they were leaving she became a pillar of salt.  The point is, and what I’ve been getting at, is if our country is on the verge of receiving Gods judgment then it stands to reason that the rapture of the Bride of Christ, the Church, is that much closer.

Are we more concerned about enjoying the life we have here on earth and its many recreations and entertainments, or are we more concerned about the life God has for us now, and all the more on the other side of eternity?  If we are enjoying this life such, or so comfortable that it’s okay if Jesus delays His return, then we need to re-evaluate our relationship with Him and what is truly important to us.  Our life with Him and spending eternity with Him should be the “center-piece” of our life, that for which our life revolves around.  This is not the time to be playing “patty-cake” or “Russian-roulette” with our relationship with Him and our eternity.  One way of determining how important your relationship with Jesus is, and how committed you are to Him, is to take an honest assessment of what is most important to you.  A question that each of us should ask ourselves could be, “is there anything that we would choose to hang onto more than being obedient to God, or is there anyone that we are more concerned with what they think or are afraid of offending or losing more than Jesus Himself?”  Something else to ask is, if God were to ask you to let go of or to give up something that might even be a good thing, would you be obedient to Him or find a way to hold onto it with some sort of rationalizing or justification?  If there is, then this is the time to make a decision for Christ, repent for not having Him be the most important person in your life, and surrender to Him completely.

Time is short!  We are living in the days Jesus spoke of that are like the days of Noah and Lot, and with that means the rapture is just around the corner.  Don’t “blow this off” and not take it seriously, because if you do you could very well find yourself regretting that more than anything else in your life in the very near future.  Please, don’t take that chance!!!!

Edge of Eternity

“People have been saying that for more than 2000 years.”  How many times have you heard someone say that about the rapture?  Or, perhaps you’ve said that yourself.  There is a mindset among many that since people have been saying that for so long then surely He’s not coming, or at least not any time in the immediate future.  This mindset is based simply because Jesus hasn’t already come, but is that one argument, in and of itself, enough to discount His coming back?  I don’t think so.

When Israel became a nation in May 1948 the dynamics changed.  In Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus tells a parable of a fig tree, a parable that many believe points to the rebirth of the Jewish nation.  In this passage of scripture Jesus indicates that the generation of people that see Israel become a nation will not pass away until the rapture and the tribulation comes to an end.  There are many differing views as to what Jesus is alluding to in regards to a generation, whether it is 40 years, 70 years, or even 80 years.  There are even differing views as to whether this period of time started with Israel becoming a nation, with the six-day war in 1967, or even with the Yom Kippur war of 1973.  The point is that we are now living in the time of that generation of people, and that means unlike 2000 years ago, or even 100 years ago, we are on the ‘edge of eternity’.  Yes, we are on the edge of eternity because at the moment of our last breath we go from life here on earth and into eternity, whether that is in heaven or in hell, but I’m not talking about that edge of eternity.  The edge of eternity I’m speaking about is for all humanity.

What does this tell us?  It tells us that the rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ is imminent.  Is it safe for us to say that?  We have entered a period of time where the final positioning of Biblical end-time events surrounding the tribulation period and the anti-Christ are climaxing before our very eyes, literally setting the stage for this to take place at any moment.  We see this in the ever increasing descent of America both domestically and abroad, in world economies and in the many changes taking place in the Middle East.  Keep your eyes on Jerusalem.  With all that is going on we see America turning its back on God and falling into a moral collapse.  America today is not the America many remember it being from even 50 years ago.  The world is waiting and looking for a one-world government, a one-world economy and one person to lead it, but the only thing currently standing in the way of that is America.  That is until America becomes meaningless in the eyes of the world for one reason or another, but nonetheless it has to decline very significantly, something that is happening rather quickly before our very eyes.

So, what am I trying to say?  I’m trying to say that we are on the edge of eternity, and that we need to make sure we are ready and in right relationship with Jesus before that trumpet sound calling His bride to meet Him in the clouds on our way to heaven.  Are you ready?  I hope so.  If not, I strongly encourage you to make yourself ready with no delay.  It will require more than just saying a prayer or walking down an aisle, it will require surrender to Him of our lives for His purposes.  Are you ready to do that?  Think about it!

The Unthinkable

Recently I was reminded of one of the most popular sermons ever preached in America.  A sermon that was given by Jonathon Edwards on July 8, 1741 in Connecticut was more spoken than preached but has gone down in history as one of the most powerfully preached sermons in history.  While I have heard that Jonathon Edwards read in a monotone expressionless voice with his written sermon raised in front of his face where he couldn’t see the congregation, it is also reported that it was so powerful that people we’re groaning, crying out loud and digging their fingernails right into the pews in front of them.  What was this sermon he preached, and what was it about?  The message title was, “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”, and the theme was the fate of those who reject Christ as their savior and hell as it awaits them.

Hell is not a popular subject to talk about in churches anymore, and why is that?  We live in a time when it is more popular to talk of the promises and grace of God, with what many have called a “seeker sensitive” gospel, than we are of the justice and wrath of God.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to hear of the promises and grace of God, but if that is all we hear then the message is incomplete.  This is also true of those who talk only of the justice and wrath of God without the promises and grace of God.

People don’t like to talk about hell, or that there is a chance they could find their eternal destination there, but nonetheless it is something that needs to be talked about.  People like to think that either hell is a mere fabrication of those who seek ways to control others or to scare them into the Christian faith, or that if it does exist they are somehow exempt from going there.  Many believe that if they live a good life and help others then they will somehow not go there, but that is under the premise one can work or earn their right to avoid hell, much like a ‘get out of jail’ free card.  The problem is that no one can avoid hell apart from a saving relationship with Jesus.

Hell, a place of unending torment, was a place that God had prepared for Satan and the angels that followed him in the rebellion against God.  Satan, once known as Lucifer, was one of the highest ranking angels in Heaven, but when he decided to elevate himself to be equal with and independent from God he was then kicked out of Heaven.  Unlike what many may think, hell was never created or intended for humanity, but it was instead created and intended as punishment for Satan and the fallen angels.  It wasn’t until sin entered humanity in the Garden of Eden that the penalty for that sin became the same as that of Satan and the fallen angels, eternity in hell.  In Matthew 25:41 Jesus tells us that hell was prepared for Satan and the fallen angels, but in Isaiah 5:14 we’re told that hell enlarges itself daily and opens up its mouth without measure waiting for the descent of many into it.  Hell was not intended for humanity, but humanity in its sin finds its eternal home there unless they obtain salvation through Christ, and Christ alone.

Many people believe that God is out there waiting with eager anticipation to hurl the wicked into eternal damnation and torment in hell, but that is not the truth.  We read in 2 Peter 3:9 that “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”  In John 3:18 Jesus tells us, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”  God has prepared a way by which all can be saved, that being through Jesus His only begotten Son, and it is ones choice to reject the only way God has provided that sends each one to hell.

Despite the fact that God has provided a way by which each one can avoid the eternal judgment of hell, it is amazing to me that so many will go to such extremes to avoid hell on their own merits.  I mentioned earlier that there are some who want to deny the existence of hell, or at least change it into something far different and less than what it is.  Others want to go one step further to deny even the existence of the one true God, or to say He is no different than any of the other man-made gods many believe in.

Whether it is someone that is bent towards proving the theory of evolution as true, or someone who chooses to believe that hell doesn’t exist, or even someone who cites their reasons for not living for Jesus, one of the core reasons for this is the determination to discount the existence of God in their lives.  Many don’t like the idea of living the way they choose being judged as right or wrong by any person other than themselves, much less by a God who has the power to send them to a hell they don’t want to believe is real.  People want to believe that there is no eternal penalty for the way they live, and in order to do so they must discount the existence and role of God in their lives, or at least create their own version of a God that is nothing but love and grace that will overlook the way they lived in conflict with His will and instructions.  Many look at the injustices they see all around, especially those they’ve suffered themselves, and can’t see how a loving God would allow such things and therefore want nothing to do with Him.  When it comes down to it each of them want to discount God and His Son, Jesus, as having any pertinent role in their lives, and that in doing so many want to believe they won’t be held accountable by God and suffer an eternal punishment in hell.

No matter how hard one tries to discount God and hell, or even their existence, this doesn’t change the fact that both God and hell exists.  Hell is not a place in ‘fantasy land’ or a new vacation spot where you can party with your friends, but it is a place of unending torment with flames of fire that burn continuously.  Hell is so bad that I wouldn’t wish it upon the worst person in humanity, but the fact still remains that those who reject the person of Jesus as both the only begotten Son of God and as their savior will find themselves there.  While many want to focus on God being a loving God that wouldn’t send them there, they forget or don’t realize that they are in fact sending themselves there if they choose to reject Jesus in their life.  People also want to discount the fact that God is not only a God of love and grace, but He is also a just God that will punish the ungodly.  In Exodus 34:7, God tells us that “He will not clear the guilty”, holding them accountable for their decisions and actions.

If we want to focus on God’s love we also need to understand that it is because of His love that He will not allow the ungodly to escape hell and find their eternal home in heaven.  You say that doesn’t make sense?  Think of it this way.  If a person chooses one way or another, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, to reject Jesus and not surrender their lives to Him, God would be unloving towards those who chose to serve Him if He were to allow the ungodly into Heaven.  His love for those who choose to follow and serve Him is great and He will not allow them to be exposed to sin and the ungodly that rejected Him in Heaven.  Hell is a very real place, and while it was not intended for humanity to dwell there it is true that those who reject Christ will get their wish eternally by spending eternity there without Him.  God is not going to violate the free will of anyone that rejects Jesus in this life by having or forcing them to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.  The life we lead and the choices we make in this life will forever determine our eternal destination whether it be in Heaven or in hell.  If you want to reject Him for whatever cause you deem sufficient, He will honor that by allowing you to choose, but you have to be willing to endure the consequences of those decisions.

In closing, no matter what your excuse for not surrendering your life to Jesus and living only for Him, you alone will be accountable for your decision.  When you stand before God, and you will, your excuses will not be allowed, and those you seek to blame will have no bearing at that moment.  Regardless of your excuses you will be judged by one thing, what did you do with His Son, Jesus?  The Bible will be the standard by which all will be judged and there is no way to get around that.

John Johansson

A Christians Take on Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

As we enter this day known as halloween, the question often asked over the years by Christians during this time is, “should Christians participate in holloween?”  I’ve heard many an argument over the years, some arguing that there is nothing wrong with Christians participating in it, and yet others who argue that a Christian should not be a part of it.  In the midst of these arguments for or against we have some who have found a place of compromise that allows them in some way to be a part of the festivities.  So, what should be our stand on the issue of halloween, or is it something that shouldn’t be an issue one way or another?  The choice is up to you on what stand, if any, you will make regarding halloween, but for me not to share my thoughts on the subject would be wrong.

One of the arguments I hear tries to throw into the mix of this argument past pagan traditions and activities, making the accepting or unaccepting of Santa Clause, christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and other things, equal to that of participating in halloween.  They mention things about being extreme and legalistic, and if that is their take then that is up to them.  I have no objections about Santa Clause, the use of a christmas tree as a holiday decoration, or even Easter bunnies, but I do have an issue of halloween.  Let me explain.

I was talking with someone yesterday about this subject and a word-picture came to my mind that many of us can identify with.  We in America have had the privilage of enjoying a freedom and peace that most countries in the world do not have, and we have been willing to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to protect and defend those privilages we do not take for granted.  Being a country that enjoy these privilages, there are countries and groups out there that are bent on destroying our nation and any trace of the freedom and peace we enjoy.  They want nothing less than to wipe us off the face of the earth.  One of these groups, among many out there, are Islamic extremists and terrorists.  If you knew someone, or some group, was bent on your destruction and annialation, what would you do?  Most Americans would keep them at an arms distance away, being both wary and protective in their dealings with them.  However, and I’m not being political but instead showing a parallel, our current administration has in their decisions, choices and behavior, have pushed the envelope with us in some of their dealings with these groups.  They have in some ways embraced and flirted with these groups trying to be their friend, all the while ignoring the fact that our demise is their only objective.  This is how we treat halloween.  Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for.  Unlike other holidays and special festivities, there is absolutely no redeeming attribute in halloween, and it flies in the face of our Christian faith, opposing anything that is good, right, true and loving.  Yet, we find a way, like our current administration, to push the envelope and flirt with something that is ‘hell-bent’ on the demise of the Christian faith and those who follow it.

So, what should our stand as Christians be toward this day that the enemy of our souls has used to magnify himself and bring death and darkness to our world?  Are we not told to have nothing to do with ‘darkness’?  Yes, Jesus interacted with all people everywhere in His day here on earth, but would he give place to idolatry and participate in that which promoted or represented the different forms of idolatry and worship of other gods?  I think not.

The decision is up to you, what you will do with this day known as halloween.  Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him in it first and foremost, not the one who is completely at war with Him.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

The Death in Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

Sitting here and watching some television a thought crossed my mind, the death in Halloween.  Have you ever really taken a look at Halloween and what it involves, and what it promotes?  Everything about it embraces death and darkness, both physically and spiritually.  Physically, we see little skeletons running around, we see images of death and dying in various displays and costumes, and we get an adrenaline rush from the fear associated with being pursued by one like “Freddie”.  Spiritually, we see witches, goblins and different forms of paraphernalia associated with satanic worship of all kinds.  Everything it embraces and promotes is diametrically opposed to the only God of life, and the Creator of all, Jesus.  I wonder how many people that participate in Halloween really want to be associated with death and darkness?  How many would prefer life and light?  As true followers of Christ, as ones who have been called as Christ’s ambassadors to a lost and dying world, we need to embrace the life and light found only in Christ, and to point as many as we can to that same life and light.  This isn’t a time for us to take a vacation and get excited about that which opposes our God, but rather to be diligent about the Masters business and point people to Him.  If they truly want death and darkness, then hell is for them, but if what they want is life and light, then they need to run to Jesus.  How are you going to point people to the life and light of Jesus this Halloween.  This may be the day that Satan uses for his purposes, but it is still the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him despite the honoring practices of some for Gods enemy, Satan.  Think about it.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

What Will It Be For You?

I was recently reminded of an experience I had several years ago, in fact back when I was just a few years out of high school.  I’m not one to try and live in the past, but I believe that the past can often times teach us things and can be used to encourage others in this thing we call ‘life’.  So, as I relate this experience I ask that you will take it to heart and ask the Lord what He may want to teach you through this.

I was just out of high school working for a large vending company.  My job was one where I frequented several businesses on a regular basis maintaining the various machines and the product they contained.  Two of the locations I was responsible for were a part of one company and worked closely together as they were just a couple blocks from each other.  I had gained a level of report with the workers at both of these locations and had many opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel with them, as well as opportunities to speak into their lives in various ways.  It was exciting when I saw a mini-revival of sorts begin to take place at both locations and Christians began to come out of the “woodwork” so to speak and begin to make themselves known to those around of their faith in Jesus.  I was so excited seeing God at work and yet so humbled that He would use me as He was, but something was about to happen.

It wasn’t too long after this began to happen that my immediate supervisor met me at one of these two locations.  This wasn’t out of the ordinary as he would do this frequently just to check on things, but this time was different.  I remember that I was busy filling one of the machines when he walked up to me and handed me a bit of a bombshell.  He told me that they had been notified by the management of these two locations that they didn’t like me talking to the workers about Christ.  He then went on to tell me that I was to stop talking to others there about Jesus or risk losing my job.  He didn’t press me for a response at the time but he knew that was asking a lot of me.  He knew that my relationship to Christ was everything, and that I was compelled to share Him with others.

After he left me standing there by the machine I felt like the wind had just been kicked out of me.  What happened?  Why did this happen to me?  What was I going to do?  These were questions that just seemed to bombard me one right after the other.  One of the workers then came into the break room that I knew to be a vocal Christian and so I shared with him what had just happened.  He asked what I was going to do and I told him that I couldn’t stop talking about my Jesus especially if I felt led to do so, but at the same time I didn’t know.  He encouraged me not to make any rash decisions and to just take it to the Lord in prayer, which I did, and he was going to have some of the other Christians there begin to pray as well.

A couple days later this brother in the Lord came to me and asked me a simple question, had I been talking to this one particular person at the other location?  Well, I didn’t immediately recognize the name but when he described her I realized who he was talking about, and I then told him I had been talking to her.  I further shared with him that she had approached me and was asking me questions and asking for my advice on things.  He then, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, told me that the enemy was using her to lay a trap for me and began to share some things with me.

You see, during this time one of the warehouse workers began to ask my advice on some issues in his life and marriage, which I have to admit was surprising to me since I was a single guy barely out of high school.  He was telling me of some of the struggles he was having, and I just kept pointing him to Christ making sure he was seeking right relationship with Him.  At the same time I had someone else, among many, approach me at the other location asking my advice on issues in her life, issues that also involved her marriage and I also pointed her to Christ.  What I did not know was that these two people were married to each other.

Apparently, while this lady was asking me questions and my advice on things, professing herself to be a Christian, she was going to others and telling them that I was pushing my faith on her and had filed a complaint against me with her supervisors.  When the Lord revealed this brother in the Lord we began to pray and other Christians got involved, which included Christians in “high places” in the company.  I had already determined that I was going to continue sharing my faith with others as the Spirit led me to, even if it meant my job, but now I was more determined to do so.  I don’t know what ever happened to the complaint or to this woman, but God was with me and I never heard another thing from my supervisors as I continued as I already had been, sharing the good news of Jesus to those around.

I share the above experience to ask you a simple question.  What will it be for you?  Are you going to share the good news of Jesus to those around you, to those who need to know there is a comfort and a rest to be found with a life surrendered to Christ, or are you going to keep your mouth shut in the fear of public opinion or the loss of employment and career?  What will it be for you?  Are you willing to speak words of life, hope and peace through Jesus to others even if it offends others?  Or will you keep your mouth shut to maintain a false sense of peace and to avoid ‘rocking the boat’?  Only you can decide that, but before you do consider two things.  One, if you’re willing to keep the good news from others to avoid conflict now, how can you be so sure you would speak up later when the pressure is greater to stay silent, or worse yet, to renounce Jesus?  The second thing to consider is this, if we fail to share the good news of Jesus to others, whether or not others are talking to them about Jesus, if they find their eternal destination in hell then their blood is on your hands.  Is that something that you want for yourself?  I don’t, and I sometimes have to keep reminding myself of that.  I already deal with that though with someone from my past, and I don’t want others to be added to that list.  How about you?

So, what will it be for you?

John Johansson –

The Moment After …

Imagine yourself sitting at a restaurant with some friends one Sunday afternoon when suddenly two of your friends disappear.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, others in the same restaurant seem to have disappeared at the same moment.  You suddenly hear all kinds of commotion outside and see multiple vehicles colliding with each other as an out of control pilotless air plane is coming towards the very restaurant you are in.

Just as many cell phones start to sound indicating people trying to call, they all suddenly go dead.  You reach for your own cell phone as you try to find some safety in the place only to find no dial tone of any kind.  People are screaming out to those who’ve disappeared, others are panicking as they yell out that they’ve “been left behind”, and still others are either fainting or dying from heart attacks.  What is going on???

After a short period of time you slowly leave the place you’ve been hiding at to see what is happening.  As you do you see the carnage in the place from the plane crashing into the restaurant and tables overturned from people looking for those who disappeared.  You make your way out of the building toward your car that has been sandwiched in by multiple cars that have crashed into yours and others you were parked by.  It is evident that you’re not going to get anywhere fast with all the destruction and the dead and injured lying all around.  You still keep trying to use your cell phone to call out to someone, anyone, but to no avail.  Your cell phone is not detecting any signal and the battery is draining fast as it continually searches for one.

You squeeze yourself into your car and start it up hoping to hear something on the radio, something that would shed some light as to what is going on.  You quickly notice that the radio station you normally listen to is dead, and begin to scan for other stations.  The stations you find are filled with panic and adrenaline as people are trying to report on what is happening in the midst of their own turmoil.

You break down and just sob.  Your world has suddenly turned upside down, and not only yours but everyone else’s as well.  Your mind is racing, worried about your loved ones, both friends and family.  What’s happened to them?  Have they disappeared as well?  Are they okay or have they suffered injury or death as a result of what’s just happened?  What has just happened?  Is this just a local event, and if not how far does this extend to, the country, the continent, or the world?  Some are yelling that it must have been some alien abduction, some are saying it must have been some secret weapon that terrorists or some other foreign enemy have used against us, and there are some that just can’t stop sobbing as they repeat over and over again, “I’ve been left behind.”

After what seems to be forever, you decide you need to get home no matter what.  You put your car into gear and try to push yourself through the other cars that have you pinned in, only to remember that the parking break is still engaged.  You release the parking break and begin to give your car more gas to push through the cars.  After leaving some rubber on the ground with smoke billowing out from your tires, you finally break through and begin to navigate through the carnage making your way home.  As you do, you find it hard to see your way and you’re not sure if it is because of the tears in your eyes or the rain that is pouring down.  If you could just get home and hopefully find family there.

After a couple hours getting home, a trip that would normally have taken you 20 minutes, you find that your neighbor’s F-350 4X4 has found its way into your bedroom and the roof is sagging.  You enter the house drenched from the rain, and a place that would normally be a sanctuary of peace and security is now a place of anxiety and vulnerability.  The power is out and you just fall onto the couch sobbing.

You’re afraid, you’re confused, and you’re unsettled.  How could this have happened to you?  Normally brave and sure of yourself, you don’t know what to make of any of this especially since this doesn’t make any sense.  As you lay there sobbing a memory comes to mind, a memory of when you were just 10 years old.  You remember going to church with your grandparents and the many discussions you had with them, discussions regarding Jesus, giving your life to Him, and the rapture and tribulation period soon to come.  You also remember how that one Sunday morning your grandpa walked you down the aisle to receive Jesus because you wanted to, and the feelings of love and acceptance you felt after having done so.  Immediately your memory went to when you were 16, two years after your parents divorced, six months after your dog unexpectantly died, and a month after your mom died in a car accident.  You remember yelling at God one night demanding that He tell you why all this was happening.  How could God be so cruel?  Where was this love He was supposed to have?  You ask yourself why you should keep living for Him and can’t come up with one good reason for it.  You remember thinking, “if this is what serving God is all about, then you don’t want anything to do with Him.”  On that day, at that moment, you decided that you were not going to have anything more to do with God, or Jesus, or whatever name He went by.  “Is this why I got left behind”, you ask yourself.

So, what are you going to do?  You remember your grandparents telling you that there will be people that will get saved after the rapture and they would have to give their lives for Jesus, but what do you do?  For starters, you can get angry at God and spit in His face and curse Him with everything within you.  Or, you can repent for the life you chose without Him, asking for His forgiveness and recommitting your life to Him for the duration, even if it means your life.  This first decision will determine what you do from that time on as things are just going to get worse with each passing day.

After deciding to either get angry or despise God all the more, or to repent and surrender your life to Jesus once and for all, what are you going to do?  From what you can gather, you no longer have any family in the area.  Do you stay where you’re at and see what you can do, or should you try to make the treacherous journey several states away to family you’re not even sure are still there?  What are you going to do????

You know, you don’t even have to be in this position.  You can, even now, surrender your life totally and completely over to Jesus so you can be among those who disappear to a better place and a better life.  Time is short for the return of Jesus.  You can see it in the nightly news and even in the news reports from other news agencies around the world.  The stage is being set with the final pieces coming into place for the start of the tribulation period, and as many believe the Bible teaches the rapture of the Church will take place before the tribulation period starts, that means the rapture will happen any time.  Are you ready?  There is no time to spare.  Make sure you are ready for when He returns and you won’t find yourself in the position laid out earlier in this blog.  You don’t want to be left behind!!!

Recruiting for Followers

The recruiting push is on.  The recruiter is looking for those willing to give their all for the cause, even if it means their very lives.  This isn’t for the weak at heart or for those obstinate in their ways and in their own opinions.  This is for the hurting, the rejected, the despised and the humbled.  This is for those who acknowledge they can’t continue on their own, for those who desire the best available retirement plan.

What am I talking about?  I’m talking about Jesus.  He has issued a call for ANYONE who will follow Him.  There are no pre-qualifying conditions to be met, just a willingness to surrender and give ones all for Him, no matter what.  ANYONE can follow Him, but it has to be on His terms, and not our own.  Is that you?

We live in a time when there is more of a push to make converts of Christ, than there is for making disciples of Christ.  Not everyone signs on to be a convert, but it is much easier to make converts than it is to make disciples.  One way of describing those who are just converts is to call them fans, while we can describe disciples as followers.  Fans, like those we encounter at a sporting event, can have varying levels of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but that’s where it ends.  Followers can, much like fans, have a lot of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but there is a significant difference between the two.  Fans “follow” on their terms.  They decide the limits of their “following” based on convenience, their own plans and goals, and even how much their willing to pay to follow Jesus.  Followers, on the other hand, have totally and completely surrendered everything about themselves to Jesus, and have a total commitment that has no limits of any kind for as long as they live.

On another note, fans try to maintain their own identity of who they are, but followers give up their identity in exchange for having their identity found in Christ.  Do you know what “Christian” means?  It means to be like Christ.  To be like Christ means to be a follower of Christ to such an extent that our identity is found in Him and in Him alone.  We are to mirror and to reflect Jesus and the mind of Christ to those around us in all we say and do.  When we are fans our own image is still seen on top of Christ’s, but as followers our own image cannot be seen.  Now, if this isn’t you don’t get yourself down.  The important thing is that you decide and commit to being a follower of Christ now and begin to make the necessary changes to reflect that decision, changes that will be reflected in your priorities.

So, Jesus is recruiting followers, people that will give their all for him holding nothing back.  Have you heard of couples having pre-nuptials going into marriage?  Well, just as you’re not really committed to the other person you’re marrying if you have pre-nuptials; even so with Christ you are not really committed to Him if you have a ‘bailout plan’ or plan “B” if it doesn’t work out like you want.  Jesus wants your all with no time-limits.

Will you sign on to be a true follower of Christ?  It will cost you everything, but the reward so outweighs the cost it is more than worth it.  You decide.   What will it be?

Mr. C Doesn’t Know Jesse

Have you ever been to a pro sporting event?  I have.  To be specific, I’ve been to two NFL games in my life, and I have to say that both of them were an experience to remember.  Let’s take a tour of a fictional stadium for a fictional team we will call the Ambassadors on game day.  Are you ready?

Well, it’s game day.  The Ambassadors are at home today facing off against the Giants, one of their fiercest rivals.  Mr. C, as we know him, the owner of the Ambassadors team, has offered us an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join him in the owner’s booth to watch the game.  This is going to be so much fun that I’ve decided to journal my experience to remember, and to bring you along to enjoy this experience with me.

It’s 9:32 in the morning and there is a stretch limousine waiting for us outside.  When Mr. C told us that he would give us a ride to the game we never guessed it would be a limo.  This is awesome!  Getting inside the limo was an experience all its own.  As long as it is you would think that there are several rows of seats in it, but that is not the case.  There is actually just two bench seats facing each other from different ends of the limo.  It had multiple led monitors in it all playing different channels, a couple refrigerators with filled with different beverages and snack foods.  It even had a microwave in it.  Wow.

I’m watching people as we go along and it’s rather funny seeing their reactions to this super long limousine.  They can’t see me through the very dark windows, but I can see them and sometimes it is just flat out hilarious.  One person, one who must have never seen a limo before, nearly tripped off the curb into the path of a moving vehicle before their friend yanked them back to safety.  Another person saw us coming down the road and posed in time to have someone take a picture of them standing in front of this moving vehicle.  They looked like a tourist with cameras hanging from their neck and multiple bags in their hands.

We took a short trip on the freeway before taking the off-ramp leading to the stadium.  The game doesn’t even start for a couple hours and the traffic of cars, pickup trucks and minivans is thick and very slow moving.  As we get closer to the stadium the driver suddenly takes a turn to the left and scoots past the parking lot located on the stadiums south side.  I can’t believe what I’m seeing.  It’s almost as if people camped out overnight waiting for the game to start.  People have lawn chairs set up all over the place, barbeques ablaze cooking hot dogs, hamburgers and other choice meats, and some playing catch among the cars.  If I hadn’t known better I would think some of these people are visiting from another planet, with all the body paint and costume like clothing with accessories.  There are grown men, at least physically speaking, who are acting like little kids, as well as grown women revisiting the high school years as flirtatious cheerleaders vying for the attention of these overgrown kids.  And in the middle of all of this activity are people arriving who are just coming to enjoy the game.  There is such a mix of people here that fall within the two extremes in this one place.

We pull up to a back entrance door that is clearly marked for VIP visitors only.  As our driver comes to open the door Mr. C comes out with a big smile to welcome us here.  He is clearly excited about seeing us and quickly escorts us to an elevator that takes us to level reserved for team owners and other VIP visitors.  The media is located on a lower level.  When we exit the elevator I am awestruck with the plushness and elegance only seen at this level.  Wow.  I still can’t believe I am here with Mr. C and experiencing all this stuff first hand.  I am just so overwhelmed by all of this, and just when it seems like it can’t get any better it does.  This is literally an unforgettable experience, and I’m glad that I’m writing about this to remember.

We enter into the owner’s booth and it is totally awesome.  Talk about a plush hallway, it is nothing compared to this owner’s booth.  All of a person’s needs are sufficiently provided for here and a person could literally camp out here for days and wouldn’t even know what was happening in the outside world.  After showing us around he then tells us that he’s going to take us down to the locker room where we can meet the coaching staff and some of the players.

As we enter the locker room I am suddenly aware of being in the presence of some of the greatest football players to have ever played the game, and I feel like running where I don’t know.  As we walk through the locker room I notice Bobby Ray Jacobs standing by his locker.  This towering 6’4”, 270lb, 7-time all-pro outside linebacker is just standing there talking to another player and I have flashbacks of that infamous TV commercial for Coca Cola.  You know the one I’m talking about, where that awesome defensive player tosses a jersey to the kid that offered him his Coca Cola.  That’s how I’m feeling right now, but of course he doesn’t know I’m there, I don’t have a soda to offer him, and he needs his jersey for the game that is starting in just an hour or so.

While walking through the locker room, Mr. C is talking to each of the players and the coaching staff, and as he does he introduces us to them and gives us some information about them that no one else would know.  Yes, he throws in some of the stats they are known by, but he goes more personal than that telling us a bit about their families and personal life.  Stuff like who their wives are, how many kids they have and how old they are, hobbies they enjoy when not entrenched in the game and its preparations, and some of the personal achievements and struggles they are going through.  He’s doing more than just introducing us to these people; he’s bringing us into their very lives.  When you think about it, there is so much more to these people than what we see and hear of them in the news and tabloids.  These are people no different than the rest of us, except that they are on display for all to see when the game gets started.

After meeting with the players and coaching staff Mr. C leads us back to the owner’s booth.  Once we get there he instructs the attendants to make sure we are taken care of with food and beverages.  As we wait for the game we sit near the edge of the enclosed booth and talk about the game and the players, all while watching people as they prepare for the game.  We could see some of the team out on the field doing stretches and getting warmed and the coaches finishing up some game preparations.  We could see people walking up and down the bleachers trying to sell a variety of foods and trinkets, people coming and going getting last minute items from the concession stands and using the facilities in time for the game.

Well, it’s time for the game and all of us are now standing for the singing of the National Anthem.  Boy, can Sherry Collins blast that song with passion and feeling, even those last high notes of the song.  The players are now coming out onto the field as the announcer calls their names and the excitement in the place goes off the charts.  They have the coin flip and the Ambassadors will be receiving.  This is so flat out exciting I can hardly contain it.

The Giants place kicker sends the ball to the Ambassadors 15-yard line where they return it 20 yards to the 35-yard line.  As the game progresses I notice that in different parts of the stadium there are some very expressive fans out there.  Remember the ones I described to you earlier in the parking lot?  Well, they don’t hold a candle to some of the ones I’m now seeing.  They have tons of body paint on, various clothing of an Ambassador theme with accessories, and the over-the-top attention grabbing personalities that demands people more than notice them.  These guys are something else.  They have so much energy and passion that you almost wonder why they are not on the field themselves.  You can tell that they love their team, and that they know a lot about them.  Their holding signs with players names on them, stats, and whatever else they could put on them to show their extreme devotion to the team.

After watching some of these very passionate and expressive fans for some time, I decided to ask Mr. C about them.  He said that they are there for every game, and that they even show up at all the practices they are allowed to attend.  He indicated that he understands they are extremely devoted to the team, memorizing all the players names and stats and willing to fight anyone that doesn’t share their same enthusiasm for it.  Mr. C then made an interesting statement.  He indicated that even though he sees them there for every game, and even though they are very passionate and strongly devoted fans of the team, he doesn’t know them.  He couldn’t even tell us their names, much less anything else about them.  I found it very interesting that as committed and devoted as these people were for his team, he still didn’t know them.  He said someone once said that one of their names was Jesse, but he didn’t even know which one that was or anything about him.

You know, there are many who know all they can about this man named Jesus and His word.  Jesus referred to them in Matthew 7:21-23.  The issue isn’t so much how much you know about Him, or even what you do for Him, but the real issue is whether or not He knows you.  Many have countless scripture passages memorized, can champion a game of Bible trivia, and even participate in all the events they can for Him, but if Jesus doesn’t know them then all is lost.

I want to finish this by simply asking one question for you to ask yourself.  “Does Jesus know me?”  It might seem like this question is a no-brainer, but since your eternity hinges on it then would it not be wise to spend some time to honestly answer this question.

“Does Jesus Know Me?”

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