What About You?

Several years ago a very well-known and highly respected man of God had a significant shift in his ministry.  He had seen the suffering of some in other countries and found himself wrestling with a God who would send people apart from Jesus to hell.  He came to the conclusion that there was no such thing as hell outside of what is experienced here on earth, whether it was brought on by ourselves or forced upon us, and that when it comes right down to it everyone would end up in heaven for all eternity.  To come to such a conclusion this once respected man had to ignore certain scripture, twist or take out of context other passages, and draw from other writings found in the New Age movement and other secular sources.  Many, including those closest to him, tried in vain to help him see the error of this thinking but has since had to distance themselves from him.  The reason behind this distancing is that the theology he is embracing is spiritually a fatal poison for a believer.  He’s not the only one whose been embracing such theologies.

Ever see the bumper stickers that say “coexist” with a bunch of symbols relating to various religions?  There is a trend in society that seeks to meld all the religions together in the name of tolerance, believing that everyone is going to end up in heaven one way or another.  In a nutshell, many believe that all roads lead to heaven and eternity with God.  There are many that believe it doesn’t matter “who” you serve or worship, thinking that we all serve the same god and will end up in the same place.  Even if not there are some who believe people will have the opportunity to get out of hell or purgatory only to find their eternal destination in heaven.  These are nothing less than poison to the body of Christ, much like cancer or gangrene to the human body.

I just finished reading the book “Tortured for Christ” by Richard Wurmbrand.  More than 30 years after it was first written it still packs a powerful punch.  One of the things found in this book is the recounting of the price many have paid for the gospel and the name of Jesus.  Almost sounds like something we would read about regarding the early church, but this is about people throughout the world who have lived within the past 70+ years.  The last part of Hebrews chapter 11 being lived out in the days we live in.  These people were largely uneducated especially in the area of the Christian faith, but yet they suffered and paid much for Christ, sometimes even their very lives.  Why would people be so willing and committed to suffer and give their lives for something or someone when in the ends it doesn’t really matter?  Why be willing to go through all of that if everyone is going to end up in heaven when it’s all said and done?  Doesn’t make much since, does it?  Think about it, how many of the apostles and members of the early church suffered and gave their lives for Jesus?  After all, they knew the truth and the reality of the gospel far better than we do, yet they suffered and died for it.  That should only work to discount the beliefs of many that everyone is going to end up in heaven one way or another.

So, what about you?  Would you be willing to die for someone or something if you knew it wouldn’t matter in the end?  I can’t say that I would go through all that if it didn’t matter, in fact I probably would live as I wanted to since it didn’t matter.

Think about it.  Can Jesus count on you when the “rubber meets the road”?

John Johansson

A Christians Take on Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

As we enter this day known as halloween, the question often asked over the years by Christians during this time is, “should Christians participate in holloween?”  I’ve heard many an argument over the years, some arguing that there is nothing wrong with Christians participating in it, and yet others who argue that a Christian should not be a part of it.  In the midst of these arguments for or against we have some who have found a place of compromise that allows them in some way to be a part of the festivities.  So, what should be our stand on the issue of halloween, or is it something that shouldn’t be an issue one way or another?  The choice is up to you on what stand, if any, you will make regarding halloween, but for me not to share my thoughts on the subject would be wrong.

One of the arguments I hear tries to throw into the mix of this argument past pagan traditions and activities, making the accepting or unaccepting of Santa Clause, christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and other things, equal to that of participating in halloween.  They mention things about being extreme and legalistic, and if that is their take then that is up to them.  I have no objections about Santa Clause, the use of a christmas tree as a holiday decoration, or even Easter bunnies, but I do have an issue of halloween.  Let me explain.

I was talking with someone yesterday about this subject and a word-picture came to my mind that many of us can identify with.  We in America have had the privilage of enjoying a freedom and peace that most countries in the world do not have, and we have been willing to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to protect and defend those privilages we do not take for granted.  Being a country that enjoy these privilages, there are countries and groups out there that are bent on destroying our nation and any trace of the freedom and peace we enjoy.  They want nothing less than to wipe us off the face of the earth.  One of these groups, among many out there, are Islamic extremists and terrorists.  If you knew someone, or some group, was bent on your destruction and annialation, what would you do?  Most Americans would keep them at an arms distance away, being both wary and protective in their dealings with them.  However, and I’m not being political but instead showing a parallel, our current administration has in their decisions, choices and behavior, have pushed the envelope with us in some of their dealings with these groups.  They have in some ways embraced and flirted with these groups trying to be their friend, all the while ignoring the fact that our demise is their only objective.  This is how we treat halloween.  Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for.  Unlike other holidays and special festivities, there is absolutely no redeeming attribute in halloween, and it flies in the face of our Christian faith, opposing anything that is good, right, true and loving.  Yet, we find a way, like our current administration, to push the envelope and flirt with something that is ‘hell-bent’ on the demise of the Christian faith and those who follow it.

So, what should our stand as Christians be toward this day that the enemy of our souls has used to magnify himself and bring death and darkness to our world?  Are we not told to have nothing to do with ‘darkness’?  Yes, Jesus interacted with all people everywhere in His day here on earth, but would he give place to idolatry and participate in that which promoted or represented the different forms of idolatry and worship of other gods?  I think not.

The decision is up to you, what you will do with this day known as halloween.  Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him in it first and foremost, not the one who is completely at war with Him.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

The Death in Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

Sitting here and watching some television a thought crossed my mind, the death in Halloween.  Have you ever really taken a look at Halloween and what it involves, and what it promotes?  Everything about it embraces death and darkness, both physically and spiritually.  Physically, we see little skeletons running around, we see images of death and dying in various displays and costumes, and we get an adrenaline rush from the fear associated with being pursued by one like “Freddie”.  Spiritually, we see witches, goblins and different forms of paraphernalia associated with satanic worship of all kinds.  Everything it embraces and promotes is diametrically opposed to the only God of life, and the Creator of all, Jesus.  I wonder how many people that participate in Halloween really want to be associated with death and darkness?  How many would prefer life and light?  As true followers of Christ, as ones who have been called as Christ’s ambassadors to a lost and dying world, we need to embrace the life and light found only in Christ, and to point as many as we can to that same life and light.  This isn’t a time for us to take a vacation and get excited about that which opposes our God, but rather to be diligent about the Masters business and point people to Him.  If they truly want death and darkness, then hell is for them, but if what they want is life and light, then they need to run to Jesus.  How are you going to point people to the life and light of Jesus this Halloween.  This may be the day that Satan uses for his purposes, but it is still the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him despite the honoring practices of some for Gods enemy, Satan.  Think about it.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

The Moment After …

Imagine yourself sitting at a restaurant with some friends one Sunday afternoon when suddenly two of your friends disappear.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, others in the same restaurant seem to have disappeared at the same moment.  You suddenly hear all kinds of commotion outside and see multiple vehicles colliding with each other as an out of control pilotless air plane is coming towards the very restaurant you are in.

Just as many cell phones start to sound indicating people trying to call, they all suddenly go dead.  You reach for your own cell phone as you try to find some safety in the place only to find no dial tone of any kind.  People are screaming out to those who’ve disappeared, others are panicking as they yell out that they’ve “been left behind”, and still others are either fainting or dying from heart attacks.  What is going on???

After a short period of time you slowly leave the place you’ve been hiding at to see what is happening.  As you do you see the carnage in the place from the plane crashing into the restaurant and tables overturned from people looking for those who disappeared.  You make your way out of the building toward your car that has been sandwiched in by multiple cars that have crashed into yours and others you were parked by.  It is evident that you’re not going to get anywhere fast with all the destruction and the dead and injured lying all around.  You still keep trying to use your cell phone to call out to someone, anyone, but to no avail.  Your cell phone is not detecting any signal and the battery is draining fast as it continually searches for one.

You squeeze yourself into your car and start it up hoping to hear something on the radio, something that would shed some light as to what is going on.  You quickly notice that the radio station you normally listen to is dead, and begin to scan for other stations.  The stations you find are filled with panic and adrenaline as people are trying to report on what is happening in the midst of their own turmoil.

You break down and just sob.  Your world has suddenly turned upside down, and not only yours but everyone else’s as well.  Your mind is racing, worried about your loved ones, both friends and family.  What’s happened to them?  Have they disappeared as well?  Are they okay or have they suffered injury or death as a result of what’s just happened?  What has just happened?  Is this just a local event, and if not how far does this extend to, the country, the continent, or the world?  Some are yelling that it must have been some alien abduction, some are saying it must have been some secret weapon that terrorists or some other foreign enemy have used against us, and there are some that just can’t stop sobbing as they repeat over and over again, “I’ve been left behind.”

After what seems to be forever, you decide you need to get home no matter what.  You put your car into gear and try to push yourself through the other cars that have you pinned in, only to remember that the parking break is still engaged.  You release the parking break and begin to give your car more gas to push through the cars.  After leaving some rubber on the ground with smoke billowing out from your tires, you finally break through and begin to navigate through the carnage making your way home.  As you do, you find it hard to see your way and you’re not sure if it is because of the tears in your eyes or the rain that is pouring down.  If you could just get home and hopefully find family there.

After a couple hours getting home, a trip that would normally have taken you 20 minutes, you find that your neighbor’s F-350 4X4 has found its way into your bedroom and the roof is sagging.  You enter the house drenched from the rain, and a place that would normally be a sanctuary of peace and security is now a place of anxiety and vulnerability.  The power is out and you just fall onto the couch sobbing.

You’re afraid, you’re confused, and you’re unsettled.  How could this have happened to you?  Normally brave and sure of yourself, you don’t know what to make of any of this especially since this doesn’t make any sense.  As you lay there sobbing a memory comes to mind, a memory of when you were just 10 years old.  You remember going to church with your grandparents and the many discussions you had with them, discussions regarding Jesus, giving your life to Him, and the rapture and tribulation period soon to come.  You also remember how that one Sunday morning your grandpa walked you down the aisle to receive Jesus because you wanted to, and the feelings of love and acceptance you felt after having done so.  Immediately your memory went to when you were 16, two years after your parents divorced, six months after your dog unexpectantly died, and a month after your mom died in a car accident.  You remember yelling at God one night demanding that He tell you why all this was happening.  How could God be so cruel?  Where was this love He was supposed to have?  You ask yourself why you should keep living for Him and can’t come up with one good reason for it.  You remember thinking, “if this is what serving God is all about, then you don’t want anything to do with Him.”  On that day, at that moment, you decided that you were not going to have anything more to do with God, or Jesus, or whatever name He went by.  “Is this why I got left behind”, you ask yourself.

So, what are you going to do?  You remember your grandparents telling you that there will be people that will get saved after the rapture and they would have to give their lives for Jesus, but what do you do?  For starters, you can get angry at God and spit in His face and curse Him with everything within you.  Or, you can repent for the life you chose without Him, asking for His forgiveness and recommitting your life to Him for the duration, even if it means your life.  This first decision will determine what you do from that time on as things are just going to get worse with each passing day.

After deciding to either get angry or despise God all the more, or to repent and surrender your life to Jesus once and for all, what are you going to do?  From what you can gather, you no longer have any family in the area.  Do you stay where you’re at and see what you can do, or should you try to make the treacherous journey several states away to family you’re not even sure are still there?  What are you going to do????

You know, you don’t even have to be in this position.  You can, even now, surrender your life totally and completely over to Jesus so you can be among those who disappear to a better place and a better life.  Time is short for the return of Jesus.  You can see it in the nightly news and even in the news reports from other news agencies around the world.  The stage is being set with the final pieces coming into place for the start of the tribulation period, and as many believe the Bible teaches the rapture of the Church will take place before the tribulation period starts, that means the rapture will happen any time.  Are you ready?  There is no time to spare.  Make sure you are ready for when He returns and you won’t find yourself in the position laid out earlier in this blog.  You don’t want to be left behind!!!

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