Doctor Said …

The other day I was thinking about people who have received a bad report from a doctor.  It may not have been a report of some type of cancer or the shutdown of kidneys, but nonetheless it was a report that said the person was going to die sometime within the next few months if they didn’t make some immediate changes.  While there have been some who have ignored the changes that the doctor told them to make, for the most part people have made those changes no matter how inconvenient or distasteful they may have been and thereby extended their life beyond the months the doctor indicated.  The “doctor said …”, and they listened.

People may not like change especially when it infringes upon the conveniences, comforts and the lifestyle they enjoy, but many have a distaste or fear of dying that is stronger than the changes they would have to make that propels them to change.  In fact, many don’t want to wait for the doctor’s report to make changes and will attempt to be proactive by going to the gym, start jogging, change their diet, or even integrate various herbs and nutrients as a replacement for any medical treatments or prescriptions.  Either way they’ve felt the need to make changes to both extend and to enhance their life.

What I find interesting is that people will make changes when a doctor tells them they will die soon if they don’t, even if the changes are hard, difficult or very distasteful, but when Jesus speaks it figuratively goes in one ear and out the other.  We tend to put more stock in what a doctor says than what Jesus says, but Jesus is the Great Physician who created us.  When Jesus tells us we need to make some changes in our life to make ourselves ready for His soon return or get left behind, why is it that it is so easy for us to push it aside and ignore it?  Just because He tells us to love and forgive others, or to flee all malice and sexual immorality, or to think only on that which is true, pure and just, or to let go of anything that He believes gets in the way of our relationship with Him, why do we ignore it when it could be the very things that keeps us from a good, healthy relationship with Him and eternity?  What about those instructions we find in the Bible to be faithful to church, reading His word, and to be a person of prayer and thanksgiving?

Notice I said that which He believes gets in the way of our relationship with Him?  It isn’t an issue of whether or not we think it gets in the way because the real issue is whether or not He thinks it does.  One of the traps we tend to fall into is to think that we know best as to what does or does not get in the way of our relationship with Him, or even what is or is not acceptable in His sight.  We have a tendency to not only think we know what’s best, but also to think even subconsciously that we are exempt from some of things He tells us to change.  In thinking like that we are in essence pushing aside what the Bible and Jesus tells us regarding the way we need to live.

Do you see yourself in this article?  Are you one that values the opinion and instructions of a doctor or health professional over and above what God tells us through the Bible?  Is physical, emotional or mental health more important to you than your spiritual health?  One way to know is to see how much we as individuals discount as necessary or important the things we’re told in the Bible, verses what our doctors or health professionals tell us?  Are we more apt to cut out caffeine and some other types of food to extend our life, or are we more apt to cut out various behaviors or activities that will help strengthen and deepen our walk and relationship with Jesus?

Spend some time in prayer and ask God to show you where you fit into this.  Ask Him to show you what is most important to you as well as how you make those determinations.  Is it based on what a doctor or health professional says, or is it based on what you think and “feel” is best, or is it based on what God tells us through His word the Bible?  Think about this and be open to make any changes that God may ask or require of you.  After all, your eternal destination hinges on it.  “Doctor said …”, or “Jesus says …”?  Which will it be?

The Unthinkable

Recently I was reminded of one of the most popular sermons ever preached in America.  A sermon that was given by Jonathon Edwards on July 8, 1741 in Connecticut was more spoken than preached but has gone down in history as one of the most powerfully preached sermons in history.  While I have heard that Jonathon Edwards read in a monotone expressionless voice with his written sermon raised in front of his face where he couldn’t see the congregation, it is also reported that it was so powerful that people we’re groaning, crying out loud and digging their fingernails right into the pews in front of them.  What was this sermon he preached, and what was it about?  The message title was, “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”, and the theme was the fate of those who reject Christ as their savior and hell as it awaits them.

Hell is not a popular subject to talk about in churches anymore, and why is that?  We live in a time when it is more popular to talk of the promises and grace of God, with what many have called a “seeker sensitive” gospel, than we are of the justice and wrath of God.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to hear of the promises and grace of God, but if that is all we hear then the message is incomplete.  This is also true of those who talk only of the justice and wrath of God without the promises and grace of God.

People don’t like to talk about hell, or that there is a chance they could find their eternal destination there, but nonetheless it is something that needs to be talked about.  People like to think that either hell is a mere fabrication of those who seek ways to control others or to scare them into the Christian faith, or that if it does exist they are somehow exempt from going there.  Many believe that if they live a good life and help others then they will somehow not go there, but that is under the premise one can work or earn their right to avoid hell, much like a ‘get out of jail’ free card.  The problem is that no one can avoid hell apart from a saving relationship with Jesus.

Hell, a place of unending torment, was a place that God had prepared for Satan and the angels that followed him in the rebellion against God.  Satan, once known as Lucifer, was one of the highest ranking angels in Heaven, but when he decided to elevate himself to be equal with and independent from God he was then kicked out of Heaven.  Unlike what many may think, hell was never created or intended for humanity, but it was instead created and intended as punishment for Satan and the fallen angels.  It wasn’t until sin entered humanity in the Garden of Eden that the penalty for that sin became the same as that of Satan and the fallen angels, eternity in hell.  In Matthew 25:41 Jesus tells us that hell was prepared for Satan and the fallen angels, but in Isaiah 5:14 we’re told that hell enlarges itself daily and opens up its mouth without measure waiting for the descent of many into it.  Hell was not intended for humanity, but humanity in its sin finds its eternal home there unless they obtain salvation through Christ, and Christ alone.

Many people believe that God is out there waiting with eager anticipation to hurl the wicked into eternal damnation and torment in hell, but that is not the truth.  We read in 2 Peter 3:9 that “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”  In John 3:18 Jesus tells us, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”  God has prepared a way by which all can be saved, that being through Jesus His only begotten Son, and it is ones choice to reject the only way God has provided that sends each one to hell.

Despite the fact that God has provided a way by which each one can avoid the eternal judgment of hell, it is amazing to me that so many will go to such extremes to avoid hell on their own merits.  I mentioned earlier that there are some who want to deny the existence of hell, or at least change it into something far different and less than what it is.  Others want to go one step further to deny even the existence of the one true God, or to say He is no different than any of the other man-made gods many believe in.

Whether it is someone that is bent towards proving the theory of evolution as true, or someone who chooses to believe that hell doesn’t exist, or even someone who cites their reasons for not living for Jesus, one of the core reasons for this is the determination to discount the existence of God in their lives.  Many don’t like the idea of living the way they choose being judged as right or wrong by any person other than themselves, much less by a God who has the power to send them to a hell they don’t want to believe is real.  People want to believe that there is no eternal penalty for the way they live, and in order to do so they must discount the existence and role of God in their lives, or at least create their own version of a God that is nothing but love and grace that will overlook the way they lived in conflict with His will and instructions.  Many look at the injustices they see all around, especially those they’ve suffered themselves, and can’t see how a loving God would allow such things and therefore want nothing to do with Him.  When it comes down to it each of them want to discount God and His Son, Jesus, as having any pertinent role in their lives, and that in doing so many want to believe they won’t be held accountable by God and suffer an eternal punishment in hell.

No matter how hard one tries to discount God and hell, or even their existence, this doesn’t change the fact that both God and hell exists.  Hell is not a place in ‘fantasy land’ or a new vacation spot where you can party with your friends, but it is a place of unending torment with flames of fire that burn continuously.  Hell is so bad that I wouldn’t wish it upon the worst person in humanity, but the fact still remains that those who reject the person of Jesus as both the only begotten Son of God and as their savior will find themselves there.  While many want to focus on God being a loving God that wouldn’t send them there, they forget or don’t realize that they are in fact sending themselves there if they choose to reject Jesus in their life.  People also want to discount the fact that God is not only a God of love and grace, but He is also a just God that will punish the ungodly.  In Exodus 34:7, God tells us that “He will not clear the guilty”, holding them accountable for their decisions and actions.

If we want to focus on God’s love we also need to understand that it is because of His love that He will not allow the ungodly to escape hell and find their eternal home in heaven.  You say that doesn’t make sense?  Think of it this way.  If a person chooses one way or another, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, to reject Jesus and not surrender their lives to Him, God would be unloving towards those who chose to serve Him if He were to allow the ungodly into Heaven.  His love for those who choose to follow and serve Him is great and He will not allow them to be exposed to sin and the ungodly that rejected Him in Heaven.  Hell is a very real place, and while it was not intended for humanity to dwell there it is true that those who reject Christ will get their wish eternally by spending eternity there without Him.  God is not going to violate the free will of anyone that rejects Jesus in this life by having or forcing them to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.  The life we lead and the choices we make in this life will forever determine our eternal destination whether it be in Heaven or in hell.  If you want to reject Him for whatever cause you deem sufficient, He will honor that by allowing you to choose, but you have to be willing to endure the consequences of those decisions.

In closing, no matter what your excuse for not surrendering your life to Jesus and living only for Him, you alone will be accountable for your decision.  When you stand before God, and you will, your excuses will not be allowed, and those you seek to blame will have no bearing at that moment.  Regardless of your excuses you will be judged by one thing, what did you do with His Son, Jesus?  The Bible will be the standard by which all will be judged and there is no way to get around that.

John Johansson

What Will It Be For You?

I was recently reminded of an experience I had several years ago, in fact back when I was just a few years out of high school.  I’m not one to try and live in the past, but I believe that the past can often times teach us things and can be used to encourage others in this thing we call ‘life’.  So, as I relate this experience I ask that you will take it to heart and ask the Lord what He may want to teach you through this.

I was just out of high school working for a large vending company.  My job was one where I frequented several businesses on a regular basis maintaining the various machines and the product they contained.  Two of the locations I was responsible for were a part of one company and worked closely together as they were just a couple blocks from each other.  I had gained a level of report with the workers at both of these locations and had many opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel with them, as well as opportunities to speak into their lives in various ways.  It was exciting when I saw a mini-revival of sorts begin to take place at both locations and Christians began to come out of the “woodwork” so to speak and begin to make themselves known to those around of their faith in Jesus.  I was so excited seeing God at work and yet so humbled that He would use me as He was, but something was about to happen.

It wasn’t too long after this began to happen that my immediate supervisor met me at one of these two locations.  This wasn’t out of the ordinary as he would do this frequently just to check on things, but this time was different.  I remember that I was busy filling one of the machines when he walked up to me and handed me a bit of a bombshell.  He told me that they had been notified by the management of these two locations that they didn’t like me talking to the workers about Christ.  He then went on to tell me that I was to stop talking to others there about Jesus or risk losing my job.  He didn’t press me for a response at the time but he knew that was asking a lot of me.  He knew that my relationship to Christ was everything, and that I was compelled to share Him with others.

After he left me standing there by the machine I felt like the wind had just been kicked out of me.  What happened?  Why did this happen to me?  What was I going to do?  These were questions that just seemed to bombard me one right after the other.  One of the workers then came into the break room that I knew to be a vocal Christian and so I shared with him what had just happened.  He asked what I was going to do and I told him that I couldn’t stop talking about my Jesus especially if I felt led to do so, but at the same time I didn’t know.  He encouraged me not to make any rash decisions and to just take it to the Lord in prayer, which I did, and he was going to have some of the other Christians there begin to pray as well.

A couple days later this brother in the Lord came to me and asked me a simple question, had I been talking to this one particular person at the other location?  Well, I didn’t immediately recognize the name but when he described her I realized who he was talking about, and I then told him I had been talking to her.  I further shared with him that she had approached me and was asking me questions and asking for my advice on things.  He then, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, told me that the enemy was using her to lay a trap for me and began to share some things with me.

You see, during this time one of the warehouse workers began to ask my advice on some issues in his life and marriage, which I have to admit was surprising to me since I was a single guy barely out of high school.  He was telling me of some of the struggles he was having, and I just kept pointing him to Christ making sure he was seeking right relationship with Him.  At the same time I had someone else, among many, approach me at the other location asking my advice on issues in her life, issues that also involved her marriage and I also pointed her to Christ.  What I did not know was that these two people were married to each other.

Apparently, while this lady was asking me questions and my advice on things, professing herself to be a Christian, she was going to others and telling them that I was pushing my faith on her and had filed a complaint against me with her supervisors.  When the Lord revealed this brother in the Lord we began to pray and other Christians got involved, which included Christians in “high places” in the company.  I had already determined that I was going to continue sharing my faith with others as the Spirit led me to, even if it meant my job, but now I was more determined to do so.  I don’t know what ever happened to the complaint or to this woman, but God was with me and I never heard another thing from my supervisors as I continued as I already had been, sharing the good news of Jesus to those around.

I share the above experience to ask you a simple question.  What will it be for you?  Are you going to share the good news of Jesus to those around you, to those who need to know there is a comfort and a rest to be found with a life surrendered to Christ, or are you going to keep your mouth shut in the fear of public opinion or the loss of employment and career?  What will it be for you?  Are you willing to speak words of life, hope and peace through Jesus to others even if it offends others?  Or will you keep your mouth shut to maintain a false sense of peace and to avoid ‘rocking the boat’?  Only you can decide that, but before you do consider two things.  One, if you’re willing to keep the good news from others to avoid conflict now, how can you be so sure you would speak up later when the pressure is greater to stay silent, or worse yet, to renounce Jesus?  The second thing to consider is this, if we fail to share the good news of Jesus to others, whether or not others are talking to them about Jesus, if they find their eternal destination in hell then their blood is on your hands.  Is that something that you want for yourself?  I don’t, and I sometimes have to keep reminding myself of that.  I already deal with that though with someone from my past, and I don’t want others to be added to that list.  How about you?

So, what will it be for you?

John Johansson –

Recruiting for Followers

The recruiting push is on.  The recruiter is looking for those willing to give their all for the cause, even if it means their very lives.  This isn’t for the weak at heart or for those obstinate in their ways and in their own opinions.  This is for the hurting, the rejected, the despised and the humbled.  This is for those who acknowledge they can’t continue on their own, for those who desire the best available retirement plan.

What am I talking about?  I’m talking about Jesus.  He has issued a call for ANYONE who will follow Him.  There are no pre-qualifying conditions to be met, just a willingness to surrender and give ones all for Him, no matter what.  ANYONE can follow Him, but it has to be on His terms, and not our own.  Is that you?

We live in a time when there is more of a push to make converts of Christ, than there is for making disciples of Christ.  Not everyone signs on to be a convert, but it is much easier to make converts than it is to make disciples.  One way of describing those who are just converts is to call them fans, while we can describe disciples as followers.  Fans, like those we encounter at a sporting event, can have varying levels of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but that’s where it ends.  Followers can, much like fans, have a lot of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but there is a significant difference between the two.  Fans “follow” on their terms.  They decide the limits of their “following” based on convenience, their own plans and goals, and even how much their willing to pay to follow Jesus.  Followers, on the other hand, have totally and completely surrendered everything about themselves to Jesus, and have a total commitment that has no limits of any kind for as long as they live.

On another note, fans try to maintain their own identity of who they are, but followers give up their identity in exchange for having their identity found in Christ.  Do you know what “Christian” means?  It means to be like Christ.  To be like Christ means to be a follower of Christ to such an extent that our identity is found in Him and in Him alone.  We are to mirror and to reflect Jesus and the mind of Christ to those around us in all we say and do.  When we are fans our own image is still seen on top of Christ’s, but as followers our own image cannot be seen.  Now, if this isn’t you don’t get yourself down.  The important thing is that you decide and commit to being a follower of Christ now and begin to make the necessary changes to reflect that decision, changes that will be reflected in your priorities.

So, Jesus is recruiting followers, people that will give their all for him holding nothing back.  Have you heard of couples having pre-nuptials going into marriage?  Well, just as you’re not really committed to the other person you’re marrying if you have pre-nuptials; even so with Christ you are not really committed to Him if you have a ‘bailout plan’ or plan “B” if it doesn’t work out like you want.  Jesus wants your all with no time-limits.

Will you sign on to be a true follower of Christ?  It will cost you everything, but the reward so outweighs the cost it is more than worth it.  You decide.   What will it be?

“Yes, But God Understands …”

“Yes, but God understands …”   I can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone say that to me or to someone else.  Every time I hear someone say that something inside me just cringes.  Let me explain.

Have you ever talked with someone who admitted to sin in their life, though they may call it a “vice”, only to follow it up by saying “but God understands”?  Some who I’ve talked with over the years, people who consider themselves to be good people, have acknowledged a sin or “one vice” in their lives with no plans on giving that up on the premise that God will understand.  Understand what?  They have the mindset that because they are for the most part good people that God will understand if they keep that one sin, “vice” or bad habit in their life.  You know, I believe God will understand, but I don’t think it is as they think He will.  Let’s take a look at a couple other instances where people may make comments about God understanding them before we see exactly what God understands.

Another instance that I’ve heard people comment on God understanding them is in regards to Church attendance, or the lack of it.  I’ve heard people say that the reason they didn’t go was because they needed to run their boat to keep it in good working order, and that God would understand.  Some have said something to that effect regarding a sporting or other special event, a hobby or form of recreation, or even because their too tired or worn out to go because of their schedule.   Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it is necessarily a sin to not go to church, but the sin could be found in the reasons and motivations we have for not going.  When someone mentions or explains why they are not going and follows it up with “but God understands”, for me that raises some red flags.  How about you?

The last instance I will mention that I’ve heard this phrase used, and I’m sure you can think of many others, is in the area of tithing.  I’ve heard many people explain that while they believe tithing is important, they will go even further and say God will understand if they don’t tithe.  These are classic “yes, but God understands” moments.  While they may say tithing is important, they will go so far as to say “but God will understand” if you need to put food on the table or pay some bills.  It sounds right and noble, and while this may feel right does that mean it is right?  Yes, I do believe God understands the predicaments we may find ourselves in from time to time, but I also believe He understands it in ways that we don’t give much thought to.

So, when someone states “yes, but God understands”, what does God understand?  Does He understand as they think He does, or is He thinking something different?  One underlying thread seems to be at the core of these statements, that being we value ourselves and our opinions more importantly than we do God and His word, and that there is an expectation God will understand and “bend” things to our way of thinking.  That is a scary place to be in if I may say so.  It’s a high-risk gamble of sorts.

When we’re talking of sin in our life, sin that we really have no plans on giving up, and explain that God understands we are saying something to God.  Our assumption is that since God knows we are humans in sinful flesh living in a sinful world, He will understand if our lives are tainted by “one or two” sins or “vices”.  After all, God can’t possibly think or expect us to live holy and perfect lives?  He’ll understand.  Oh, He understands.  He understands that the sacrifice He made through His Son and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit in your life to help you be victorious over sin is of lesser value to you than the sin you’re hanging onto.

When we’re talking about our reasons for not being faithful to the House of God, only to say that “God will understand”, we’re assuming for whatever reason that corporate worship and sharing of the Word with fellow brothers and sisters of Christ is not that important to God.   We also assume that Gods desire for us to have fun and “enjoy life” is of greater importance to Him than the 2 or more hours assembling together with the brethren on a Sunday.  God understands.  He understands that His instructions through the Apostle Paul to not neglect the times that the brethren assemble together, especially when we see the day of His appearing coming closer, are being ignored and not heeded.  God wants us to have life and have it more abundantly, but if our pursuits of ‘enjoying life’ conflict with Him, His will and His rightful place in our lives, which includes heeding His instructions, then it’s possible He’s been replaced by another ‘god’ in our lives called ‘life’.

And finally, when we try to say that God will understand when we don’t pay the tithes, we’re assuming that He understands our situation and will cut us some slack.  After all, surely He would want us to pay our bills and especially keep food on the table, right?  Well, of course he wants us to pay our bills and to keep food on the table, but not with what is rightfully His.  He makes it very clear that we rob Him when we don’t pay our tithes, and nowhere does he produce a list of allowed exceptions to that.  There are some who argue that God no longer expects us to give Him tithes, but their arguments for that are weak and not scripturally sound.  I’ve seen how some have twisted scripture for the purposes of trying to justify not paying tithes, and that just show where their heart is.  For example, some argue against giving tithes based on the recorded account of Jesus in regards to the temple tax.  Well, that doesn’t hold any weight when one realizes that the temple tax was entirely different than the tithe.  People were required to pay a fixed amount each year towards the temple and the various activities and maintenance required of the temple.  Tithes were not a fixed amount, but were a percentage of the first fruits each person was required to pay God.  Have you ever noticed how tithes and offerings are referred to?  When referring to tithes, we are to bring and to pay the tithe, but for offerings we give it as an offering.  Did you see that?  There is a difference in possession.  When referring to tithes, we bring it to Him because it is His from the start, but when referring to offerings they are something we give in addition to the tithe because it is ours (the remaining 90%) to give.  So, when we refuse to pay tithes, or we come up with a reason for not giving it, we are not only robbing God from what is actually His, but we are also saying we don’t trust Him to take care of us and have a prideful thinking that we can do it on our own.  We wouldn’t have what we have if it wasn’t for Him.  God understands that when we take and use what is rightfully His instead of giving it to Him in His storehouse (the local church we should be a part of) we have also in some respects made it an idol or used it for something that is an idol in our lives.

So, when someone says “yes, but God understands”, we need to try and understand it from Gods perspective and not our own, or theirs.  What does God say in His word?  Are we putting words in Gods mouth, or are we saying God didn’t really say or mean what He said?  We need to be very careful with this.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that God is not compassionate or understanding, because He is, but sometimes we use the fact that He is as an excuse to allow or justify decisions or mindsets that are clearly contradictory to Him and what His word says for us.  If that’s been you, I encourage you to re-evaluate yourself and make whatever adjustments to your mindsets and way of thinking to come into alignment with God and His word.  Time is short and He’ll be here for His bride very soon.  Don’t delay.

As We See That Day Approaching …

As I was thinking about the soon return of our Lord and Savior for His bride, I began to think about what are some of the things we need to be doing as we see that blessed day approaching.  Or, should we just continue living life, as some would say, believing it will all work out in the end?  Well, what does scripture tell us?

In Luke 21:34-36, Jesus tells us two things we should be doing.  He tells us that we need to be watching for His return, not getting caught up in carousing, drunkenness and the cares of this life.  He makes it clear that if we get caught up with these things His return will come on us unexpectantly.  I’ve heard many people say that they’re not concerned about ‘watching’ for His return, in observing the signs of the times and the unfolding of Biblical end-time prophecy.  They claim that we are to ‘occupy’ until He comes, and that as long as they are ready then it will all work out, but that mindset concerns me.  In multiple passages Jesus tells us to ‘watch’, and with emphasis.  Why, because apparently it would be easy to get caught up with the cares of life and not be ready for His return.  By the way, did you notice He’s telling this to His disciples and not to those who were not following Him?

The second thing that Jesus tells us in this passage is to pray continually that we may be counted worthy to escape that which is coming down the pipes upon this earth.  Wait a minute.  He’s telling His disciples to pray, and pray continually, that they are counted worthy to escape that which will be coming to pass?  Wow.  What does that tell us?  What it tells me is that we can’t just sit smugly in our Lazy Boys and think we have it made and have nothing to worry about.  One of the best lies of the enemy, among many, is that once we’ve asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior then we have nothing to worry about and can relax believing we’re okay, but that is not how Jesus wants us to approach it.  Jesus knows far better than we do what will come to pass after He comes for His bride, and He’s letting us know we need to take our relationship with Him so seriously so as to not take anything for granted.  Oh, Lord, help us to take your warnings and admonitions to watch and pray as seriously as you need us to.

In Philippians 2:12, Paul tells us to ‘work out our own salvation with fear and trembling’.  While there may be differing views of what that may mean, I believe the consensus is that we take our relationship with Jesus seriously.  I also note that in the same verse prior to the above statement he comments on the obedience of the Philippians to the gospel.  This is something that is missing in most church circles in America these days, the commitment to being obedient to God and His word, the Bible.  We live in a time when it’s fashionable to decide which parts of the Bible we will follow in our own lives, and which ones we will conveniently ignore.  One of my pet peeves is when we either put words in Gods mouth, or for that matter take words out of His mouth.  We have a tendency to look at a scripture we don’t like or agree with and to ‘modify it’ according to what we think God really meant by it so as to justify why we don’t embrace and live by it.  Jesus said that if we love Him we will do His commandments, and when we fail to be obedient to Him and His word we are then considered as lawless in His sight.

Another thing we need to be doing is found in Hebrews 10:24-25.  The writer of Hebrews tells us to consider one another so that we can stir up love and good works.  He further states in the same sentence that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as apparently some made a habit of doing, so that we can exhort one another, especially as we see the day of His return approaching.  Check this out.  We are told that as we see the day of His return approaching we must not forsake the times that we gather together with the brethren.  The more evident it becomes that Jesus’ return is imminent, the more we need to embrace times with fellow believers both in church settings and in our ‘social lives’, this is so that we can be an encouragement and a help for others and they in turn can do likewise for us.  The closer we get to His return, which means the closer we’re getting to the tribulation period, the darker things are going to get in this world, and the harder it will be for us to stay close to Him.  Might I also add, the closer we get to His return the harder it will be for us to 1) watch for His return, 2) continually pray that we are counted worthy to escape that which is coming, and 3) to remain obedient to Him and His word when so much of this life will pull us away.  We need more than ever before, to relish all the time we can with fellow believers where we will find the encouragement, the help and the corporate strength to persevere until that blessed day arrives.  I’m speaking even to myself in that I’m not a ‘social butterfly’, but it is going to be essential for each of us to lock arms with our brothers and sisters in Christ like never before if we’re going to stand.  I’m not saying we need to isolate ourselves from those who are not followers of Christ, because that is not what we are called to do, but it does mean we need to value time with the brethren more and more all the time.  People who are not followers of Christ, or those who think they are but are merely fans of Jesus, and there is a difference, may not understand this, but we need the support of those in the family of God if we are going to make it in these last days.  Many feel that being faithful to your local church and spending time with fellow believers of Christ is optional and not essential, but I’m afraid that they will one day have tremendous regrets for not heeding the instructions of the Lord and taking their walk with Him more seriously.  After all, if you knew that there was a potential threat coming to you and your family, would you not take it seriously and do whatever  you needed to do no matter how inconvenient and disliked it was just so you could protect them?  How much more seriously should we take our walk with Jesus as we see the coming judgments of God coming soon to this earth after what we call the rapture takes place?

So, as we see the day of His return approaching more and more each day, and seeing the urgency of the times we live in and that His return is imminent, are you doing what you should be doing?  If not, I strongly encourage you to grab a hold of these things as you prepare for Him.  No matter how some may paint things, you will not want to be here during the tribulation period as it will be worse than many think it will be.

What I learned in Mexico

More than two decades ago I went on a missions trip to Mexico with my church.  It was a trip that I believe will never be forgotten by those of us who went on it.  It was a trip that taught me something that has impacted me all these years, something that leads me to another question that I’ll ask towards the end of this blog.

Like I said, I went on a missions trip to Mexico with my church several years ago.  On this particular trip we didn’t go to our usual destination within Mexico, but instead we went to the border town of Tecate, Mexico.  We were staying at one of the local churches and were involved in reaching out to the community in different ways.  On one particular day we went to the park in the center of town where we sang songs and shared our testimonies of what Jesus had done in our lives to whoever would listen.  While we were there we were approached by the authorities to discontinue what we were doing, at which time they excorted us by foot to the local police station.  Upon arriving at the police station we were then placed in vehicles and then taken to the border patrol station.  After being detained at the border patrol station for several minutes, the Pastor of the church we were staying in came to the station and within minutes had us released.

This experience showed me something that has since stuck with me.  While I can’t really speak on behalf of the others in our group, what I can say is for the first few minutes I had some pretty big butterflies in my stomach, but they didn’t last long.  While we were walking to the police station some of us started talking about the privilage of going to a Mexican jail for the Gospel.  Now, whether or not we would have ended up there only God knows, but we believed that was a very real possibility for which we felt honored as Christians to endure.  Though we didn’t know the particulars of the arrest we still knew God was in charge and that it would be an honor to suffer for His sake.

Even though some of us during this experience considered it a great honor for the Gospel, it was evident that others in our group did not share those same sentiments.  I remember hearing how some were talking with such emotion, words and comments that we would’ve never imagined these people of saying, and that disturbed us.  Some of these people were just our peers, but some were leaders and we couldn’t believe what we were hearing and seeing from them.

While we were going through this I was reminded of a scripture where Jesus said, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.  Now, it isn’t for me to judge the heart of any of these individuals, but this experience taught me that we never really know what is in someone until we see them in very tough and trying situations.  I’m reminded of the Apostle Peter who, after strongly telling Jesus that he would never leave or deny Him, denied Jesus three times in just a few hours time.  Jesus reached out to Peter despite this and Peter would never again deny Him, but this too is an example of not knowing how we will respond to a situation until we are actually in it.  We would like to believe and think the best regarding our responses in such times, but it’s hard to be so certain of them.

What triggered my thoughts today on this subject was a question that came to my mind regarding the times that we are living in and are heading into.  We’re living in a time when Christians are being viewed more and more with disdain, and it is no secret that there have been attempts by the powers that be to label Christians as extremists that jeopardize any attempts of global or domestic peace and unity.  We also know that according to Bible prophesy there is coming a time, though it is already being seen in other countries in varying degrees, that Christians will be arrested and killed for the sake of Jesus and the gospel.  So, with that I want to conclude by simply asking you a question for you to consider.

If you were arrested for being a Christian with the real possibility of execution for your faith, would you consider it both an honor and a privilage, or would you hate to be in that situation and try to get out of it?  Just something to think about.

John Johansson –

Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

For years I have been concerned about the current state of the Church in general, specifically the church in the USA.  As we see Bible end time prophesy unfolding before our very eyes, we would be hardpressed to think that Jesus’ return is not immiment or even close at hand, yet the church in general seems to be more caught up with life in general, both the good and the bad.  I sometimes wonder what it’s going to take before the church rises from it’s apathy and realizes the urgency of our times, but I also remember scripture that tells us the majority of those who call themselves Christians will not be ready for His return.  I hear people say that things have to get a lot worse before Christ returns, but is that true?  Or is that only true when it comes to Christ’s return at the end of the tribulation period?  The stage is being set for His return for His bride, and we need to make sure we are ready for Him.

I also hear people talk of a great revival that supposedly takes place before Christ returns for His bride, but I would have to disagree with that line of thought.  Yes, we are told that in the last days the Spirit of God will be poured out on all flesh, but I have two thoughts regarding this.  The first thought is what if what the church has been experiencing the past 60+ years with the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements is a fulfillment of that prophesy?  After all, if we were to take a step back and take a look at the past 60+ years we can see each of the items listed in that prophesy taking place like never before in history on all flesh.  Now, before you jump and tell me it is something more than what we’ve been experiencing, I want to remind you that when Jesus came the people did not recognize Him as the messiah because they had it determined within themselves how His appearing would happen.  Jesus did not fit the mold that they had conjured up in their minds, but that didn’t change the truth and the reality of things that He is who He says He is.  So, in like thinking we need to be careful not to quickly discount what the church has experienced the past 60+ years simply because it doesn’t look like what we think it should.  The second thought I have regarding this revival that some talk about is that it could possibly be a revival among those who get left behind after the rapture.  We know that there will be martyrs for the faith during the tribulation period, and oddly enough America is supposedly not mentioned in Bible prophesy for these last days, so I can’t help but wonder if the revival many talk about is actually going to take place after the rapture.  If that is the case, then it would appear to line up with other prophesy that indicate the falling away of many from the faith leading up to Christ’s return for His bride.  Instead of making sure they are ready for Christ when He comes for His bride, it appears that many are banking on more time because things are either not bad enough, or because there will be a great revival to come first, and both of those mindsets are very dangerous as many will be caught and left unaware.

This is not the time to be playing Russian roulette with your eternity, thinking you have more time because things aren’t bad enough or hanging out for the great revival to come.  What if He comes before these events, then what?  To follow Jesus after the rapture will be much, much harder and will require each person to literally give their lives for Christ, and if you’re not willing or able to do that now then what makes you think you will be able to then?

Don’t be deceived!!!!  He’s coming back as a thief while people are busy enjoying life and it’s many pleasures.  When He comes He will see who it is that has their affections first and foremost on Him and His return, because if they don’t then they will get left behind.  Did you know that according to ancient Jewish customs, not only did the bride not know when her groom was coming for her, but if when he did he found that her affections were not on him but on another or something else, or if she hadn’t been taking advantage of the time to prepare herself for him, then he could just as easily leave her behind and issue her a letter of divorcement?  You see, our marriage to Jesus, much like the ancient Jewish marriage customs, is not final and complete until after He’s come for us and has taken us to the marriage feast which takes place during the tribulation period.  We have to be watching and praying that we will be ready when He returns for His bride, otherwise we will be counted among the foolish virgins Jesus refered to in His parable of the 10 virgins.

So, I say all that to say, BE WATCHING AND GET YOURSELF READY FOR HIM!!  You eternity hinges on it!

John Johansson

Making Your Decision Count

It is evident from world events that things are winding down and the return of Christ is very, very near.  I’m reminded about the parable Jesus shared in Matthew 25 regarding 10 virgins, five of which were wise and five were foolish.  I don’t know about you, but I want to be counted among the wise.  It is commonly believed that the virgins represent Christians, and if that is the case that causes problems with the theology of some who believe once your saved you’re always saved.  I personally believe the virgins in this parable represent Christians, and that just because someone sincerely says the ‘sinners prayer’ does not automatically guarantee their entrance into Heaven.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about ‘deathbed confessions’.  I’m talking about people who have asked Jesus to come into their heart and believe that is enough to get them into heaven no matter what happens in the future.

While it is true that nothing can seperate us from the love of God, there is nothing in scripture that indicates we lose our free will to choose or to change our minds.  There are plenty of scriptures that would indicate one can get shipwrecked in their faith, and that they can die spiritually which wouldn’t be possible unless they had first come alive spiritually.  When Jesus tells us that there will be some who will say, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not …. in your name” only to hear Him tell them to depart from Him for He never knew them, that is a sobering situation.

One scripture that comes to mind is Revelation 3:5, where Jesus tells us that the names of the overcomers will not be ‘blotted out of the Book of Life’.  Two things come to my mind regarding this scripture.  The first thing that comes to my mind is that Jesus is talking about overcomers.  I’m not going to get into who are the overcomers in this blog, but the question that comes to my mind is if our salvation is a free gift, and if sincerely saying the ‘sinners prayer’ will securely take us right into heaven with no more effort on our part, then what are we ‘overcoming’?  I’m thinking there is more to this Christian walk leading into Heaven than just sincerely saying the ‘sinners prayer’.

The second thing that comes to my mind about this passage refers to names being ‘blotted out’.  If once our name is put into the Book of Life, which indicates a true conversion, they remain in it, then what is this ‘blotting out’ Jesus is talking about?  A name can not be blotted out of something unless it is first there.  I can’t use ‘white-out’ to remove an entry on a document at work unless the entry was first made, and just the same a name can’t be blotted out of the Book of Life unless it was first put into it.  So, that tells me that even though I gave my life to Jesus I am responsible for how I live it.

I don’t want people to think that they are ‘okay’ and will automatically enter heaven.  Jesus was even adamant about His followers making sure they are ready for His return.  Be ready.  Seek the Lord if there is anything in your life you need to change to be ready for Him, and do what the will of the Father is for your life.  While there are some things that is the will of the Father for all followers of Christ, there are also many things that are specific to each believer.  I just don’t want you to be caught unaware and unready when Jesus comes.

Luke 21:36 says, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”.

Article: Bobby Makes a Decision;

John Johansson

Russian Roulette With Eternity

I’ve been in church all my life, and according to my mom had given my life to the Lord when I was five years of age.  I can’t say that I remember that, but what I do remember is how in 1979 God began to deal with me regarding my eternal destination.  He began for what felt like six months to deal with me regarding my eternal destination and how I needed to make a commitment to follow and serve Him.  I can’t say that He was convicting me of sin in my life because up to that time I had lived a pretty sheltered life, but what He was dealing with me in was the fact that I hadn’t surrendered my life to Him and to His will for my life.  One of the ways He got my attention was through the realization of how close to death I was at times from near head-on collisions and being in a garage air-filled with explosive aerosols and a gas water heater.  God was good to me and those with me to protect us, but these were some of the ways that God used to get my attention.  During this time I experienced a growing fear of end time events and the tribulation period, which only heightened the impact of those experiences I just shared with you.  After what seemed to be six months, I knelt beside my bed with my dad and I surrendered and committed my life to Jesus on March 29, 1980.

From that time on I do not remember a time when I was fearful of missing the rapture and going through the tribulation period.  Granted, I have come to realize after searching the scriptures that saying a prayer and walking down an aisle does not guarantee admittance into Heaven, but it is what I do with my relationship with Him from that time on that determines if I will be prepared for when that shofar sounds the call to the marriage feast of the Lamb.  Maybe you don’t agree, and that is okay, but that is where I came up with the title of this blog, Russian Roulette With Eternity.

Russian roulette with eternity is where we choose to gamble with our eternal destination by living and believing as we choose.  Well, you can almost hear the arguments of people who decide not to believe Gods word in its entirety, who want to create another Jesus to their liking, or to reject God and His Son as the only savior of the world.  Many feel that whatever they choose to believe to be true is true, and if they want to believe something to be false or non-exclusive (meaning that there is more than one way to heaven) then that is what it is.  But, what if they are wrong?  What if what they believe to be true is actually false, what they believe is false is actually true, and that there is really only one way to Heaven through Jesus alone?  To echo others over the years, if we as Christians are wrong then what do we lose in embracing Christianity, and what do non-Christians gain?  Also, if we as Christians are correct, then what do we gain and non-Christians lose?  If the Christian faith and it’s source of written instruction, the Bible, is false, we obviously haven’t gained a thing, but we haven’t really lost anything either.  However, if the Christian faith and the Bible are in fact true, then Christians gain an eternity in Heaven that defies imagination in its splendor, and those who are not Christians literally lose everything to spend eternity in hell for rejecting Christ as both the Son of God and the only Savior of the world.

I am concerned for people who take their eternal destination so lightly.  It’s as if they are playing Russian roulette with their eternity, and that is very scary.  Some like to think, at least subconsciously, that if they find after they died that they were wrong and made a serious mistake they will have the opportunity to say ‘sorry’ and enter into Heaven.  What a lie from the enemy of our souls!  He will say and do anything to get us to minimize the seriousness of making right preparations for our eternal destination, even to the point of getting us to either not think about it or to have an altered view of eternity.  And, yes, he will even take and twist scripture to accomplish this if he can.  After all, was that not the method he used in the garden when he spoke with Eve, taking and twisting what God had said to make her doubt and question God?  What we fail to realize is that Satan knows the scripture, and he in fact probably knows it better than most, if not all, Christians, and that is one of his most powerful weapons.  Heard it said that the best lie is the one that is 99% true, and Satan is an expert in promoting them.

Time is so very short in regards to the start of the tribulation period, which means it’s even closer to Jesus’ return for His bride.  It is so imperative that we are in right standing with Him, waiting, watching and ready for the sounding of the shofar of His return for His bride.  The first thing Jesus told the disciples when they asked him regarding the signs of the end of the world and His return, was a warning to not be deceived.  Deception will be great leading up to His return and the tribulation period, and it is so vitally important that we don’t be deceived.  Deceived about what?  In a nutshell, deceived regarding Jesus, who He is, what He did, what He’s going to do, and that only through Him can one receive salvation prior to leaving this life.

Don’t be deceived!  Hold true to the pure Gospel and good news of Jesus, and that when it’s all said and done the determining factor that will forever determine our eternal destination is what we did with Jesus in this life and the nature of our relationship with Him.  We all have a relationship with Jesus, whether it is one that is a saving one through intimate friendship with Him, or one that is distant and independent of Him.

I trust that this will challenge you to re-evaluate your relationship with Jesus as time is running out, and that it will either be found in right standing with Him in relationship and according to His word, and if not that you will make the necessary changes to make it right.

John Johansson

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