
Looking for the soon return of Christ for His bride, we are sounding the shofar indicating His soon return, and to challenge people to make themselves ready.

The Resounding Shophar is a website devoted to alerting people, especially Christians, to prepare for the return of Christ. The shofar is a horn made from certain animals used by Jews for a number of different purposes. The shofar has been used by Jews in the past to summon the armies together for battle, to announce and proclaim an important event, or to alert them of something to come. The shofar is also the horn used by Jews for Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. The shofar is blown each day for the thirty days leading up to Rosh Hashanah, except for the day just before the feast, and then it is blown 100 times on Rosh Hashanah. There are four distinct blasts that are blown on that day. The first three are blown an equal amount of times each, and the last blast, the 100th blast, is the fourth distinct blast. This last blast of the shofar is basically the loudest and longest held blast to be heard, and it is also referred to as ‘the last trump’. This is ‘the last trump’ that the Apostle Paul mentions in I Corinthians 15:52, when he is describing the events of the catching-up of the bride and the resurrection of the dead in Christ. The thirty days leading up to Rosh Hashanah are days of repentance and self-evaluation, days of preparation for the judgment to come.
The Resounding Shophar is focused on alerting others of the soon, and perhaps imminent, return of Jesus for His bride. This is a time when we need to do some self-evaluation and see if we are ready for His return. Jesus told us that there would be many who think they are saved that will not make it into eternity with Him, and it is our desire to help others in that process. That is not to say that we have it all together ourselves, but we welcome you to join us in this process of doing what we can to prepare for His soon return.
So, come and join us in our pursuit to make ourselves ready for Him, a “bride without spot or wrinkle”

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