A Christians Approach to Halloween

Several weeks ago I walked into the local Wal-Mart and was immediately reminded about the time of year we were entering into.  You know that time of year, when fear, hate, terror, and the occult are glamorized and embraced with passion and excitement, reaching its peak on a day we call Halloween.  I’ve written since 2011 what my position is regarding this day that comes every year, and that hasn’t changed, but I want to take a different approach to the subject this year.


Each year the question is asked as to whether Christians should have anything to do with Halloween, or not.  And each year it only divides those who are opposed to it and those who think it’s okay for one reason or another.  You would think that the answer to the question is a simple one, and it really is, but when we determine our answer according to our personal opinions and feelings, instead of what Scripture has to say about it, then the answer becomes nothing less than complicated and divisive within church circles.


When we see that day approaching, it’s not uncommon to see and hear of churches gearing up and planning what they will do on Halloween.  Usually, the rationale they will embrace will go along one of two lines of thought; 1) they want to offer a Halloween alternative, or 2) they want to provide a safe place for children and adults.  But is Halloween something that Christians and churches should be involved with?  Unlike Christmas and Easter, holidays that some argue have both Christian and pagan roots, there is absolutely nothing Christian or God honoring when it comes to Halloween.  In fact, everything Halloween represents is anti-God and contrary to the mind and character of Jesus.  So, why is it that churches seem to believe that it’s okay to participate in one way or another on this holiday?


I’ve heard it argued by one pastor that even though their church has a community event on Halloween, an event where those who are organizing and putting it on incorporate costumes, various Halloween decorations, as well as activities that are clearly Halloween in nature, not to mention a name which is clearly a Halloween like name, that they are not participating in the Halloween festivities.  Well, I don’t know what his definition of participation is, but common sense for most people know that they are in fact participating in and celebrating Halloween.


There was a time several years ago that the United States was trying to befriend the nation of Iran, a country that is bent on nothing less than the total destruction of America and Israel.  It seemed like we were rolling out the red carpet of friendship with them, ignoring the fact that they did not share in that same endeavor.  As I observed what was happening, I couldn’t help but think of Halloween and how some churches and Christians seem to be okay with it.  Everything about Halloween and what it represents is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible, and anti-life, just to name a few.  There is absolutely nothing redeeming about it, yet we have churches and Christians trying to find creative ways to “Christianize” the celebration to justify their involvement with it.  Contrary to how many seem to view Halloween, we are told in Ephesians 5:11 not to have any part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather to expose them.  We are also told in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to abstain from every form of evil, and in Deuteronomy 18:9-14 and Leviticus 19:30-31 we are told of some of those things God says are evil.


Some will argue that it’s okay to do so because Jesus was a friend of sinners, a term that was given more as an insult to Him than a compliment.  Just because He associated with those considered to be sinners does not mean that He was a participant in sin, in that which was opposed to God in any way, or that He encouraged or condoned such activity.  To have done so, Jesus would have certainly lost His credibility as one sent of God to them, perfect and without sin, as such activity was explicitly prohibited by God, Himself, and if He had done so that surely would have been mentioned in Scripture and at His trial before going to the cross.  Instead, Jesus strongly promoted purity of heart and an undivided and total devotion to the Father and Himself.  Nowhere in Scripture will you find that Jesus was okay with or was involved in any way with that which was opposed to God, yet for some reason we have Christians and churches thinking differently about this subject.


What about the Apostle Paul?  After all, he was sent to preach Jesus to the gentiles, people who were actively involved in various forms of pagan holidays, worship and activities.  The same Apostle Paul, the one who taught us of the grace of God, who showed us that our relationship with Jesus is a marriage relationship, who revealed to us the return of Jesus for us in an event known as the Rapture.  Does he tell us anything that would relate to the subject at hand?  In Philippians 4:8-11, he speaks against observing days, months and years, but this was in relation to the pagan practices these converts to Christ once participated in before they received salvation.  However, in Colossians 2:16-17, when he addresses festivals and a new moon, he is referring to the seven feasts God instituted back in Leviticus 23, all of which point to Jesus.  It’s important to make that distinction as some will assume both passages are referring to the same things, but that is not the case.  In 1 Thessalonians 5:22, the Apostle Paul instructs us to avoid or flee from the appearance of evil, and in Ephesians 5:11 he also tells us to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but to instead expose them.  So, Paul, identified by some as the Apostle of Grace, left no room or argument condoning a Christian’s involvement with things like Halloween.


At this point I feel the need to clarify something.  When I mention the participation of Christians and churches in the Halloween festivities, I am not referring to those who are opposed to Halloween but do what they can to reach the lost with the full and unadulterated gospel of Jesus.  There are churches that reject the idea of Christians participating in that day, but they will do something purely as a ministry outreach of some sort that does not resemble Halloween in any way.  I applaud these churches, and Christians, as they take a stand against the growing trend within church circles, but at the same time doing all they can to reach those who are lost and spiritually dead in sin.


While I have no objections to having an alternative to offer people, and certainly no objections to having a safe place for children and adults alike, I do find myself questioning the reasons and the motivations one has in doing so, and how they are going about it.  For many churches, they are quick to say they are reaching out to the lost in doing so, wanting to use these activities as a means of doing so, but is that true or just words to ease their conscience or silence those who object?  When a church does this, incorporating an appearance or activity that resembles Halloween in some way, they give the unsaved, those who are not followers of Christ, mixed messages as to what it means to be a Christian, a disciple and follower of Christ.  Also, if the focal point is only to provide an alternative or a safe place, and very little to nothing is said or done to present the full gospel and each persons need of a savior, then all they are doing is building a reputation within the community and growing a religious social club.


I’ve heard it said that it’s okay for a church to have Halloween like events for the community because someone got saved or started attending their church as a result of these.  There’s a problem with this logic, however.  I’ve heard testimonies of some who were high on drugs or in a drunken state, how that in that condition they had an encounter with Jesus and got saved, and as a result they were radically transformed and set free from their addiction to drugs or alcohol.  Since people have been reached for salvation while in these intoxicated states, does it mean, based on the above logic, that churches and Christians should encourage or embrace the use of drugs and alcohol as a way to reach the lost with the message of salvation through Christ?  I think not!  God is sovereign, and as such He can reach people in whatever condition they may be in, but that does not mean that we can discount what Scripture otherwise commands us just so we can “reach” someone.  To ignore or discount the commands and instructions of God for the purpose of community acceptance and gaining followers, that is nothing less than rebellion towards God fueled by pride that puts our opinion on an equal or higher level than God and His Word.  This must not be the case in the life of a Christian.


Halloween.  A controversial subject for Christians as some are okay with it while others are not.  The question is whether God is okay with it, and the answer is found within Scripture. Are we taking a stand for Christ, or are we more concerned about getting people to join our religious social club?  If we are to do something on Halloween, let’s make sure it doesn’t resemble in appearance or activity to Halloween in any way, and that the gospel is clearly presented as the focus and theme of the event. Time is short, and we need to focus more on the salvation of the lost than building our social clubs and community reputations.


Are you a Christian that has participated in Halloween one way or another over the years, or even in those things that God identifies as detestable?  If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to repent of your involvement in these, and to turn from them having any part in your life from here on out.  We hear of animal shelters taking these things very seriously, law enforcement taking them very seriously, especially on October 31st of each year, and how much more should we as Christians who have been given very clear and specific instructions from God Himself regarding this?  What’s been said and done in the past can be forgiven, but you need to repent and turn from them today.


Maybe you have never given your life over to Jesus.  Maybe you have been living life as you wanted, and on your terms, but in listening to me today you realize there needs to be a change in your life.  You are seeing the influence and impact of evil upon society is only increasing, and you can tell things are not going to get any better but instead much worse.  There is victory through Jesus, and there is a hope beyond anything this world can even imagine giving you through Jesus only, and you would like to receive Jesus as savior and Lord of your life.  Well, you can make that change right now wherever you are.  It’s simple, as simple as “A, B, C”.  Let me tell you how.


For you to be considering making such a change in your life, this only shows that God is speaking to you.  He wants to have that saving relationship with you far more than you could ever want it yourself.  To enter that relationship with Him, the first thing you need to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner.  To acknowledge, or to admit, that you are a sinner is the “A” in the “A, B, C’s”.  This may be difficult for some to do, but it’s vitally important.  We are told in Romans 3:10 that no one is righteous or good, no, not one.  The reason for that is found in Romans 3:23 where we’re told that all, everyone, has sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  This means that nobody is good enough, no matter how good we may be, because we all have sin in our lives.  Continuing in Romans, we are told in Romans 6:23 that the wages of our sin is death, or in other words the penalty of the sin in our life is eternal death.  So, where does that leave us?  We are told in Ephesians 2:8-9 that the salvation God offers us is a gift of God, something we receive by grace and through faith.  No one deserves salvation, and no one certainly can earn it through works of any kind, but rather it is a gift from God.  To receive this gift from God, the first thing a person must do is “A”, acknowledge or admit that they are a sinner.


The second thing a person must do, and this is “B” in the “ABC’s”, is to “BELIEVE” in their heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and that God raised Him from the dead.  Romans 10:9-10 tells us that if we confess with our mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.  It’s not just a mental believing as some would like it to be, but rather a believing that dictates the way one lives their life.  It’s a way of life that reflects and supports what they say they believe.  In James 2:19 were told that even the demons believe, and they tremble, but salvation is not available to them.  Just having a head knowledge is not enough.


The third thing a person must do, and this is “C” in the “ABC’s”, is to “CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD.”  You need to call Jesus Lord, and to do so means one must surrender their life to Him.  There is coming a time when every knee will bow before Him, and every tongue will confess to God that He is Lord.  Now is the time for salvation, and now is the time to voluntarily surrender your life to Him.  The eternal rewards for surrendering your life to Jesus is far greater than anything this world could ever hope to give you.


Is a relationship with Jesus like I’ve described important and worth it?  It is most definitely worth it, and then some.  I won’t say that life will be easier or with less problems, but it will be more fulfilling, and with that there is a Blessed Hope for all Christians to embrace and pursue.  More and more people are beginning to feel hopeless with life, especially when they see everything that is happening around them and around the world, but as Christians we have a hope that is solid and independent of anything this world could ever hope to offer us.  The signs we are seeing across the news headlines now days only energizes the hope we have of Jesus’ ever imminent return for us.  It is that same hope, that Blessed Hope, that encourages Christians to keep the faith and to continue living for Him and Him alone.  Are you one of those who place their trust and hope in Jesus?


If you do not have a saving relationship with Jesus, and you would like to, I encourage you to talk to God right now.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or eloquent, just a sharing of your heart to Him.  If that is you, and you’re ready to give your life to Jesus, then say this prayer from your heart and to Him.  Again, it’s not a formula, just a sharing of your heart to Him.


“O God, I am a sinner.  I’m sorry for my sin.  I want to turn from my sin.  I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son; I believe that He died on the cross for my sin, that He was buried, that You raised Him to life, and that He’s coming to take me back to His house in heaven very soon.  I have decided to place my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, trusting only in His shed blood as more than sufficient to save my soul and to take me to heaven.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me.  Amen.”


Now that you have entered into this relationship with Jesus, I strongly encourage you to find a Bible and start reading it, and to find and get plugged into a solid Bible-believing church that teaches and preaches the full Gospel of Jesus, which includes Bible prophecy and the need to be living righteously and holy before the Lord in all your ways.


In closing, know that Jesus is coming soon, very soon, for His followers, and it is vitally important for each of us to be found both watching and ready for Him when He does.  Don’t get lulled into the deceptive thinking that His return is not near for one reason or another, especially when the fulfillment of the signs given in the Bible tell us that it’s at the door.  It’s our responsibility to be watching the signs for Him, and to be ready, free of any spots, blemishes, or wrinkles brought on through sin in our lives.


By John Johansson

It’s That Day Again

A number of weeks ago I walked into the local Wal-Mart and was immediately reminded about the time of year we were entering into.  You know that time of year, when fear, hate, terror, and the occult are glamorized and embraced with passion and excitement, reaching its peak on a day we call Halloween.  I’ve written since 2011 what my position is regarding this day that comes every year, and that hasn’t changed, but I want to take a different approach to the subject this year.


Each year as that day approaches, it’s not uncommon to see and hear of churches gearing up and planning what they will do on Halloween.  Usually, the rationale they will embrace will go along one of two lines of thought; 1) they want to offer a Halloween alternative, or 2) they want to provide a safe place for children and adults.  But is Halloween something that Christians and churches should be involved with?  Unlike Christmas and Easter, holidays that some argue have both Christian and pagan roots, there is absolutely nothing Christian or God honoring when it comes to Halloween.  In fact, everything Halloween represents is anti-God and contrary to the mind and character of Jesus.  So, why is it that churches seem to believe that it’s okay to participate in one way or another on this holiday?


To justify their participation in Halloween, some will argue with the rationale that God made that day, October 31st, and therefore there is nothing wrong with them participating in Halloween and all or part of what it represents.  When you think about it, that’s a dangerous rationale to have.  For example, based on the idea that God made October 31st as a rationale to ignore how many view what that day represents, one could say that since God made Lucifer, who is also known as Satan, it would be okay to befriend him and allow him to speak into their lives on some level.  After all, we’re already seeing people use that kind of rationale to justify the use of marijuana and other hallucinogenic herbs and fermented fruit.  Is this a rationale that can be supported in scripture?


Some will argue that it’s okay to do so because Jesus was a friend of sinners, a term that was given more as an insult to Him than a compliment.  Just because He associated with those considered to be sinners does not mean that He was a participant in that which was opposed to God in any way, or that He encouraged or condoned such activity.  To have done so, Jesus would have certainly lost His credibility as one sent of God to them as such activity was explicitly prohibited by God, Himself, and if He had done so that surely would have been mentioned in Scripture and at His trial before going to the cross.  Instead, Jesus strongly promoted purity of heart and an undivided and total devotion to the Father and Himself.  Nowhere in Scripture will you find that Jesus was okay with or was involved in any way with that which was opposed to God, yet for some reason we have Christians and churches thinking differently about this subject.


What about the Apostle Paul?  After all, he was sent to preach Jesus to the gentiles, people who were actively involved in various forms of pagan holidays, worship and activities.  The Apostle Paul, the same one who taught us of the grace of God, who showed us that our relationship with Jesus is a marriage relationship, who revealed to us the return of Jesus for us in an event known as the Rapture, the same one that told us to not sin and to flee even the appearance of evil.  Does he tell us anything that would relate to the subject at hand?  In Philippians 4:8-11, he speaks against observing days, months and years, but this was in relation to the pagan practices they once participated in before they received salvation.  However, in Colossians 2:16-17, when he addresses festivals and a new moon, he is referring to the seven feasts God instituted back in Leviticus 23, all of which point to Jesus.  It’s important to make that distinction as some will assume both passages are referring to the same things, but that is not the case.  In 1 Thessalonians 5:22, the Apostle Paul instructs us to avoid or flee from the appearance of evil, and in Ephesians 5:11 he also tells us to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but to instead expose them.  So, it would appear that Paul, identified by some as the Apostle of Grace, left no room or argument condoning a Christian’s involvement with things like Halloween.


At this point I feel the need to clarify something.  When I mention the participation of Christians and churches in the Halloween festivities, I am not referring to those who are opposed to that day but do what they can to reach the lost with the full and unadulterated gospel of Jesus.  There are churches that reject the idea of Christians participating in that day, but they will do something purely as a ministry outreach of some sort that does not resemble Halloween in any way.  I applaud these churches as they take a stand against the growing trend within church circles, but at the same time doing all they can to reach those who are lost and spiritually dead in sin.


While I have no objections to having an alternative to offer people, and certainly no objections to having a safe place for children and adults alike, I do find myself questioning the reasons and the motivations one has in doing so, and how they are going about it.  For many churches, they are quick to say they are reaching out to the lost in doing so, wanting to use these activities as a means of doing so, but is that true or just words to ease their conscience or silence those who object?  When a church does this, incorporating an appearance or activity that resembles Halloween in some way, they give the unsaved mixed messages as to what it means to be a Christian, a disciple and follower of Christ.  Also, if the focal point is only to provide an alternative or a safe place, and very little to nothing is said or done to present the full gospel and each persons need of a savior, then all they are doing is building a reputation within the community and growing a religious social group.


Halloween.  A controversial subject for Christians as some are okay with it while others are not.  The question is whether or not God is okay with it, and the answer is found within Scripture. Are we taking a stand for Christ, or are we more concerned about getting people to join our religious social club?  If we are to do something on Halloween, let’s make sure it doesn’t resemble in appearance or activity to Halloween in any way, and that the gospel is clearly presented as the main focus and theme of the event. Time is short, and we need to focus more on the salvation of the lost than building our social clubs and community reputations.


John Johansson


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The Great Illusion

Illusions performed by magicians can be quite impressive, capturing the attention of fans and critics alike.  For fans, fueled by their amazement of what just happened, they are mesmerized into trying to figure out how the illusion was done.  For critics, they are intrigued with how the magician could capture the attention of those watching by their trickery and deceptions.  The world around us is filled with many illusions, where people are working to convince others to believe what they want them to, even when they know it’s not true and will lead them astray.


When we talk of illusions, there is one that I want to address that can be found within church circles.  There are many illusions within church circles, each one bringing some damage to the body of Christ, both small and great.  The illusion I’m referring to in this blog is centered around the idea that churches must make certain changes to be relevant to people and those who are unchurched.  Let me explain.


Over 20 years ago a particular teaching became very popular, acting as a guide of sorts to help churches grow and reach out to their communities.  I understand that churches need to adapt in some respects as culture and societies change, making better use of current technology and social media for example.  However, the teaching I’m referring to went beyond that, telling churches that they needed to focus on the love of Christ, building the self-esteem of those lacking good self-esteem, and doing good deeds through community involvement.  Yes, each of those things are good, I do agree.  But at the same time churches were, and still are, encouraged to say very little if anything about sin and repentance, the shed blood of Jesus and our need for it to wash away our sin, about a coming judgment and an eternity in hell for those rejecting Jesus and the full Gospel message.  Churches were also encouraged to remove crosses or any other traditional displays, inside or outside the church, that would identify them as a church, looking to be ‘seeker sensitive’ to those who are opposed to churches for any number of different reasons.  In essence, churches were encouraged to remove from their premises and from their teachings anything that would offend people and keep them from coming to their church.


What I just described is very disheartening.  It’s like a hospital that has all the resources needed to help cure a person from a devastating disease like cancer, only to remove the cure and any mention of it from their premises because of those who would be offended by the cure and what it would cost them, but they still want them to feel good and welcomed to come visit anytime they desire.  It is true that many of the churches I described have significantly grown numerically speaking, but a question comes to mind.  Regarding the large numbers attending these churches, the question is asked, how many of them really understand salvation, their need for it, and the cost of following Jesus?  Or are they merely attending a church that makes them feel good without addressing sin, the need for repentance, and submission to Jesus as their Lord?


While churches have done what they could to make people feel welcomed to be there, have they at the same time compromised the crux and beauty of the gospel message to facilitate their objective to draw people to them?  The gospel message has remained the same for over 2000 years, and to change or water it down for the purpose of growing the church numerically is not a God thing.  In the New Testament, the church didn’t grow exponentially because they changed the message to be more appealing to the masses.  Instead, it grew amid extreme persecution because the full gospel message centered on the fact that we are all born sinners and in need of a savior, that it is through Jesus alone, and the blood He shed on a cross for us, that we can have salvation.  It is then that the conviction of the Holy Spirit drew people to Jesus for salvation.  Well, the illusion doesn’t end there.


Last year my eyes were opened to something that shows how much this illusion has infiltrated and infected some churches.  It is no secret that I am not a fan of Halloween, knowing that everything about it and what it represents is in direct opposition to the God I serve.  Often people will ask me what I’m doing for Halloween, and I simply tell them I don’t acknowledge it because it’s a conflict of interest for me as a Christian.  I am not opposed to a church doing something on that day as an outreach for the community, but if what they are doing resembles Halloween in any way, in appearance or behavior, then I have an issue with that.  In our community, many churches have what is called, Trunk or Treat, and last year something was brought to my attention that showed how much some churches have fallen as representatives of Christ to their community.  For obvious reasons, I have not attended one of these events, but last year someone at one of these churches mentioned jack-o-lanterns they had made for the event and it got me to thinking about something.  Thinking about it, I made a point in taking a drive Halloween night past some of the churches having such an event, and what I found was very sad.  Of the churches I drove past that hosted a Trunk or Treat event that night, I noticed that while many of them thought it was okay to have both the appearance and behavior of Halloween and all that it represents present, some of them had literally no crosses or other displays outside that identified them as a Christian church.  How is it that they have nothing to identify themselves as a Christian church, yet they feel perfectly fine to welcome and allow that which is directly opposed to Christ?  Have they bought into the illusion that they can’t have anything displayed that might offend or keep people away just to increase their attendance?  Have they become more concerned about offending people with the simple truth of the gospel, than they are in offending the One who gave His life for them to have salvation?  Have they forgotten that they are ambassadors of Christ?  Yes, Jesus reached out to and spent time with sinners, but He didn’t compromise the gospel message or participate in anything that was diametrically opposed to Him or the Father.


And in case I haven’t made it clear, everything about Halloween is diametrically and aggressively opposed to God and the gospel message found in Jesus.  Are you afraid of taking a stand for Christ in your everyday life, pointing people to the saving message we find at the cross of Jesus?  If you are afraid of that, are you also okay with allowing people to think that you are okay with those things that are in clear opposition to and in conflict with the very heart and nature of Christ?  Who or what are you living for, Christ or the opinions and feelings of others?  Let it be for Christ from here on out!


John Johansson


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A Christians Take on Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

As we enter this day known as halloween, the question often asked over the years by Christians during this time is, “should Christians participate in holloween?”  I’ve heard many an argument over the years, some arguing that there is nothing wrong with Christians participating in it, and yet others who argue that a Christian should not be a part of it.  In the midst of these arguments for or against we have some who have found a place of compromise that allows them in some way to be a part of the festivities.  So, what should be our stand on the issue of halloween, or is it something that shouldn’t be an issue one way or another?  The choice is up to you on what stand, if any, you will make regarding halloween, but for me not to share my thoughts on the subject would be wrong.

One of the arguments I hear tries to throw into the mix of this argument past pagan traditions and activities, making the accepting or unaccepting of Santa Clause, christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and other things, equal to that of participating in halloween.  They mention things about being extreme and legalistic, and if that is their take then that is up to them.  I have no objections about Santa Clause, the use of a christmas tree as a holiday decoration, or even Easter bunnies, but I do have an issue of halloween.  Let me explain.

I was talking with someone yesterday about this subject and a word-picture came to my mind that many of us can identify with.  We in America have had the privilage of enjoying a freedom and peace that most countries in the world do not have, and we have been willing to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to protect and defend those privilages we do not take for granted.  Being a country that enjoy these privilages, there are countries and groups out there that are bent on destroying our nation and any trace of the freedom and peace we enjoy.  They want nothing less than to wipe us off the face of the earth.  One of these groups, among many out there, are Islamic extremists and terrorists.  If you knew someone, or some group, was bent on your destruction and annialation, what would you do?  Most Americans would keep them at an arms distance away, being both wary and protective in their dealings with them.  However, and I’m not being political but instead showing a parallel, our current administration has in their decisions, choices and behavior, have pushed the envelope with us in some of their dealings with these groups.  They have in some ways embraced and flirted with these groups trying to be their friend, all the while ignoring the fact that our demise is their only objective.  This is how we treat halloween.  Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for.  Unlike other holidays and special festivities, there is absolutely no redeeming attribute in halloween, and it flies in the face of our Christian faith, opposing anything that is good, right, true and loving.  Yet, we find a way, like our current administration, to push the envelope and flirt with something that is ‘hell-bent’ on the demise of the Christian faith and those who follow it.

So, what should our stand as Christians be toward this day that the enemy of our souls has used to magnify himself and bring death and darkness to our world?  Are we not told to have nothing to do with ‘darkness’?  Yes, Jesus interacted with all people everywhere in His day here on earth, but would he give place to idolatry and participate in that which promoted or represented the different forms of idolatry and worship of other gods?  I think not.

The decision is up to you, what you will do with this day known as halloween.  Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him in it first and foremost, not the one who is completely at war with Him.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

The Death in Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

Sitting here and watching some television a thought crossed my mind, the death in Halloween.  Have you ever really taken a look at Halloween and what it involves, and what it promotes?  Everything about it embraces death and darkness, both physically and spiritually.  Physically, we see little skeletons running around, we see images of death and dying in various displays and costumes, and we get an adrenaline rush from the fear associated with being pursued by one like “Freddie”.  Spiritually, we see witches, goblins and different forms of paraphernalia associated with satanic worship of all kinds.  Everything it embraces and promotes is diametrically opposed to the only God of life, and the Creator of all, Jesus.  I wonder how many people that participate in Halloween really want to be associated with death and darkness?  How many would prefer life and light?  As true followers of Christ, as ones who have been called as Christ’s ambassadors to a lost and dying world, we need to embrace the life and light found only in Christ, and to point as many as we can to that same life and light.  This isn’t a time for us to take a vacation and get excited about that which opposes our God, but rather to be diligent about the Masters business and point people to Him.  If they truly want death and darkness, then hell is for them, but if what they want is life and light, then they need to run to Jesus.  How are you going to point people to the life and light of Jesus this Halloween.  This may be the day that Satan uses for his purposes, but it is still the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him despite the honoring practices of some for Gods enemy, Satan.  Think about it.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

To Halloween or Not

As we enter this day known as halloween, the question often asked over the years by Christians during this time is, “should Christians participate in halloween?”  I’ve heard many an argument over the years, some arguing that there is nothing wrong with Christians participating in it, and yet others who argue that a Christian should not be a part of it.  In the midst of these arguments for or against we have some who have found a place of compromise that allows them in some way to be a part of the festivities.  So, what should be our stand on the issue of halloween, or is it something that shouldn’t be an issue one way or another?  The choice is up to you on what stand, if any, you will make regarding halloween, but for me not to share my thoughts on the subject would be wrong.

One of the arguments I hear tries to throw into the mix of this argument past pagan traditions and activities, making the accepting or unaccepting of Santa Clause, christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and other things, equal to that of participating in halloween.  They mention things about being extreme and legalistic, and if that is their take then that is up to them.  I have no objections about Santa Clause, the use of a christmas tree as a holiday decoration, or even Easter bunnies, but I do have an issue of halloween.  Let me explain.

I was talking with someone yesterday about this subject and a word-picture came to my mind that many of us can identify with.  We in America have had the privilage of enjoying a freedom and peace that most countries in the world do not have, and we have been willing to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to protect and defend those privilages we do not take for granted.  Being a country that enjoy these privilages, there are countries and groups out there that are bent on destroying our nation and any trace of the freedom and peace we enjoy.  They want nothing less than to wipe us off the face of the earth.  One of these groups, among many out there, are Islamic extremists and terrorists.  If you knew someone, or some group, was bent on your destruction and annialation, what would you do?  Most Americans would keep them at an arms distance away, being both wary and protective in their dealings with them.  However, and I’m not being political but instead showing a parallel, our current administration has in their decisions, choices and behavior, have pushed the envelope with us in some of their dealings with these groups.  They have in some ways embraced and flirted with these groups trying to be their friend, all the while ignoring the fact that our demise is their only objective.  This is how we treat halloween.  Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for.  Unlike other holidays and special festivities, there is absolutely no redeeming attribute in halloween, and it flies in the face of our Christian faith, opposing anything that is good, right, true and loving.  Yet, we find a way, like our current administration, to push the envelope and flirt with something that is ‘hell-bent’ on the demise of the Christian faith and those who follow it.

So, what should our stand as Christians be toward this day that the enemy of our souls has used to magnify himself and bring death and darkness to our world?  Are we not told to have nothing to do with ‘darkness’?  Yes, Jesus interacted with all people everywhere in His day here on earth, but would he give place to idolatry and participate in that which promoted or represented the different forms of idolatry and worship of other gods?  I think not.

Some would argue that we need to use the day as an opportunity to give kids an alternative or to even reach out to the lost.  For the most part I’m not opposed to such, but does it in any way resemble in appearance or practice to that of Halloween?  If so, then I am opposed to it.  Scripture is very clear to not even have the appearance of evil or have any part in it, so to sugar coat or water down the day in different ways while still maintaining some of it’s appearances and practices would be wrong.

The decision is up to you, what you will do with this day known as halloween.  Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him in it first and foremost, not the one who is completely at war with Him.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

The Death in Halloween

Sitting here and watching some television a thought crossed my mind, the death in Halloween.  Have you ever really taken a look at Halloween and what it involves, and what it promotes?  Everything about it embraces death and darkness, both physically and spiritually.  Physically, we see little skeletons running around, we see images of death and dying in various displays and costumes, and we get an adrenaline rush from the fear associated with being pursued by one like “Freddie”.  Spiritually, we see witches, goblins and different forms of paraphernalia associated with satanic worship of all kinds.  Everything it embraces and promotes is diametrically opposed to the only God of life, and the Creator of all, Jesus.  I wonder how many people that participate in Halloween really want to be associated with death and darkness?  How many would prefer life and light?  As true followers of Christ, as ones who have been called as Christ’s ambassadors to a lost and dying world, we need to embrace the life and light found only in Christ, and to point as many as we can to that same life and light.  This isn’t a time for us to take a vacation and get excited about that which opposes our God, but rather to be diligent about the Masters business and point people to Him.  If they truly want death and darkness, then hell is for them, but if what they want is life and light, then they need to run to Jesus.  How are you going to point people to the life and light of Jesus this Halloween.  This may be the day that Satan uses for his purposes, but it is still the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him despite the honoring practices of some for Gods enemy, Satan.  Think about it.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

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