Making Your Decision Count

It is evident from world events that things are winding down and the return of Christ is very, very near.  I’m reminded about the parable Jesus shared in Matthew 25 regarding 10 virgins, five of which were wise and five were foolish.  I don’t know about you, but I want to be counted among the wise.  It is commonly believed that the virgins represent Christians, and if that is the case that causes problems with the theology of some who believe once your saved you’re always saved.  I personally believe the virgins in this parable represent Christians, and that just because someone sincerely says the ‘sinners prayer’ does not automatically guarantee their entrance into Heaven.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about ‘deathbed confessions’.  I’m talking about people who have asked Jesus to come into their heart and believe that is enough to get them into heaven no matter what happens in the future.

While it is true that nothing can seperate us from the love of God, there is nothing in scripture that indicates we lose our free will to choose or to change our minds.  There are plenty of scriptures that would indicate one can get shipwrecked in their faith, and that they can die spiritually which wouldn’t be possible unless they had first come alive spiritually.  When Jesus tells us that there will be some who will say, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not …. in your name” only to hear Him tell them to depart from Him for He never knew them, that is a sobering situation.

One scripture that comes to mind is Revelation 3:5, where Jesus tells us that the names of the overcomers will not be ‘blotted out of the Book of Life’.  Two things come to my mind regarding this scripture.  The first thing that comes to my mind is that Jesus is talking about overcomers.  I’m not going to get into who are the overcomers in this blog, but the question that comes to my mind is if our salvation is a free gift, and if sincerely saying the ‘sinners prayer’ will securely take us right into heaven with no more effort on our part, then what are we ‘overcoming’?  I’m thinking there is more to this Christian walk leading into Heaven than just sincerely saying the ‘sinners prayer’.

The second thing that comes to my mind about this passage refers to names being ‘blotted out’.  If once our name is put into the Book of Life, which indicates a true conversion, they remain in it, then what is this ‘blotting out’ Jesus is talking about?  A name can not be blotted out of something unless it is first there.  I can’t use ‘white-out’ to remove an entry on a document at work unless the entry was first made, and just the same a name can’t be blotted out of the Book of Life unless it was first put into it.  So, that tells me that even though I gave my life to Jesus I am responsible for how I live it.

I don’t want people to think that they are ‘okay’ and will automatically enter heaven.  Jesus was even adamant about His followers making sure they are ready for His return.  Be ready.  Seek the Lord if there is anything in your life you need to change to be ready for Him, and do what the will of the Father is for your life.  While there are some things that is the will of the Father for all followers of Christ, there are also many things that are specific to each believer.  I just don’t want you to be caught unaware and unready when Jesus comes.

Luke 21:36 says, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”.

Article: Bobby Makes a Decision;

John Johansson

The Harbingers

One of the many uses of the shofar was to sound an alarm of something coming.  While we at The Resounding Shophar focus on sounding the shophar to prepare for the return of Christ, it would be wrong to not sound it in regards to a judgment to come.  I realize that many believe that God doesn’t judge people because He is so full of grace and love, but is that consistent with scripture?  No, it is not.  We can read from Genesis through the book of The Revelation how that the loving God of all creation executed judgments on people, families and nations.  When God brings judgments it is a result of disobedience to or rejection of God and His ways.  To only focus on God’s grace and love and to say that God won’t bring judgment to people is to be naïve of who He is and what He is all about, not taking into account all the different facets of who He is.

Some people believe that God will never judge this awesome country called, The United States of America.  They say that since we are the one country the world looks up to, or at least used to, and that we are the most Christian of all countries who even sends the most missionaries to other lands, surely God wouldn’t judge us, but that is pride which provides a false sense of security.  While this country was founded on Christian principles and the Word of God, the Bible, in the past fifty years it has turned its back on God, His ways, and even now His people the Jews.  How can we be so bold as to think that He won’t judge us?  That is a scary place to be in, thinking that we are exempted and protected from Gods judgments simply because of who we are.  We as a country have strayed far from God, and if we don’t repent of our ways, turn from our wickedness and seek His face, God will judge us.  Is there any reason to believe that an impending judgment is on its way for our country if we don’t repent and return to the God of our fathers?  Yes there is.  I am including a link to a couple videos of a rabbi, Jonathan Cahn, teaching on harbingers, what they are, and how they apply to the United States, all based on scripture.  One is a shorter video that briefly touches on this, and the other one is a full video that goes into much more detail that is sure to grab your attention as he goes through nine (9) harbingers.  I hope you will take the time to view these as he “sounds the shophar” of warning to this country of a judgment soon to come.


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John Johansson

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