Committed to Not Commit

I was saddened the other day as I thought of all the people I’ve known over the years who chose to live with someone instead of getting married, even those who did in fact marry each other at a later time.  I couldn’t help but think how God feels when people make such a decision, and even worse when they profess to be Christians and seek to find a way to justify it as being acceptable in Gods sight.  While there may have always been some who have done this in the past, it seems as though it is becoming rampant in America and the world we now live in as never before.  What is this world coming to?

One of the reasons some choose to live with someone before getting married is to see if they can even live together before making an official commitment to each other.  They view it as a “try before you buy” transaction with the option to walk away if they find it doesn’t suit them.  Another reason some give for this is that they don’t need a paper to show their committed to each other, and that outside of a piece of paper their relationships are no different.  Some say they do it because it is more cost effective than it is to be married, and others are just flat out against getting married.  Finally, and possibly the most ludicrous reason of all, comes from professing Christians who try to say that God views living together with someone the same as being married.

There are a number of reasons why people embrace the above mindsets to justify a life style of living with someone without marrying them.  It could be that they’ve had bad experiences in previous marriages and don’t want to go through that again.  It could be that they’ve seen bad marriages and feel the best way to avoid the pitfalls of marriage is to not get married, or at least try living together first for a period of time before making such a commitment.  For some, it could be that money speaks louder to them than a committed relationship, or perhaps they just don’t want to feel ‘weighted down’ by a commitment that they view as restrictive or as a form of bondage.

What it comes down to is that these individuals are just “committed to not commit”.  Have you ever heard someone, perhaps yourself, adamantly say that there is no such thing as absolutes?  Well, they are saying that they are absolute in thinking that there are no absolutes, so in essence they are discounting their own statements.  The same is true when people are determined to avoid making a marriage commitment by just living with someone.  They are basically saying that they are committed to not commit themselves to another in a marriage relationship.

When it comes to professing Christians that take the position there is no difference in Gods eyes between living with someone and being married, they are grasping for a way to rationalize such behavior as okay.  These individuals seem to think that if they are living with and having ongoing sexual relations with someone then God views that as marriage, but is that true?  If that were true then at what point does fornication become adultery?  By definition, the primary difference between fornication and adultery is whether or not it involves at least one individual that is married.  If at least one individual is married then it is considered adultery, otherwise this same behavior is considered fornication.  I should add at this point that even if a couple is separated but still legally married, sexual relations with someone other than their spouse is considered as adultery.  I talked with a professing Christian several years ago who was living with someone and trying to convince me that it was the same as being married in Gods eyes.  They seemed to think a piece of paper was a mere technicality that really held no real significance.  As I pondered this I came to a conclusion that in one way a piece of paper is not the key, though at the same time it is.  In our American culture one of the steps required for two people to become married includes this piece of paper we call a “Marriage License”, but this is not required in other cultures.  While it may be true this piece of paper is not required in other cultures, my understanding is that each culture still has a process, if I can call it such, by which two people become officially “joined” together that friends and family observe and recognize as binding.  So, while on one hand it isn’t the piece of paper that makes the difference in Gods eyes, it is the culturally recognized, accepted, and legal means through which people are known as married to each other, and therefore it is what God looks at.  So, to say that God views the two lifestyles as the same is merely a twisting of things to help themselves feel justified in their behavior, basically deceiving themselves into believing one of many lies the enemy of our souls is selling to any who will buy them.

When we talk of being “committed to not commit” in regards to these relationships, I find it interesting that this is often true in regards to many people’s relationship with Jesus.  Just as many want the benefits of marriage without the marriage commitment, and they will find every excuse they can to justify it, the same is true regarding our relationships with Jesus.  Many want the benefits of being a follower of Jesus, but they don’t want to make the commitment Jesus requires of all who follow after Him.  They will find some reason, some excuse, as to why they won’t commit to following Jesus on His terms, but oh how they want all the benefits and blessings of such a relationship.  Just as some don’t want to commit to another in marriage because they want to keep parts of their life to themselves, many do the same with Jesus when they ‘compartmentalize’ what parts of their life they will or will not give and surrender to Him.  Just as a person choosing to live with someone without marrying them is actually demonstrating a lack of commitment to them, even so a person who chooses to follow Jesus without the commitment and terms He requires is telling Him they are not really committed to Him.

So, there are two simple questions to ask ourselves.  The first question to be asked is for those who are living with someone they are not married to, “Are you truly committed to them for the rest of your life?”  If you are truly committed to that person for life, then you need to stop living with and having sexual relations with the other individual until after you’re married to them, whether or not they want to get married to you.  If you’re not truly committed to that person, or they are not committed to you, you still need to stop living and having sexual relations with them.  That is the right thing to do in the sight of God.  The second question to ask is, “Are you truly committed to following Jesus with your life no matter what?”  If so, then you need to be committed to Jesus wholly and completely no matter what.  To live any other way is to only be a fan of Jesus and not a true follower.  If this is you, then you need to renew your commitment to Him, and to begin making the necessary changes in your life that reflect that commitment.  It’s not a one-time decision you make, but it’s a daily decision to make, and for some a moment by moment decision.  Will you make that decision to commit, or are you “committed to not commit”?

As In The Days Of …

Many say that either Jesus isn’t coming or that if He does it won’t be any time soon, but what guarantee do they have of this?  Why are they so convinced of this line of thought?  From what do they draw such conclusions?  Is it simply because He hasn’t returned yet so they are quick to assume they are correct, or is it because they simply want to reject it as fantasy or some religious teaching used for the purpose of controlling its followers?  Good questions.

Recently I’ve talked to some about the current state and future of our United States of America.  Some of these people are professing Christians and some who are not.  It is obvious that this country is divided, perhaps even more than it was leading up to the civil war of the late 1800’s.  I talk or listen to some who are very concerned about the current state of this country, and even more concerned about its future in light of the direction it is headed in.  There are others who see things from a very different perspective.  They tend to see only “good” things ahead, but it’s a perspective that is often times short-sighted and self-centered with little understanding of how things will play out or how they conflict with the ways of God.

We live in a time, or at least here in America, where “whatever feels good” or “truth is whatever you BELIEVE it to be” is the ruling school of thought, but this is very dangerous as it attempts to put the ways and wisdom of God on a shelf called “old fashion”.  There is little regard for God and His way of seeing things, and in our pride we think we can survive and thrive in the absence of the One who created ALL things.  It sounds rather silly if you ask me.  It’s as if the stuffed animal we made last summer (no, I didn’t really make one) has the capacity to live and survive independent of us no matter what comes its way.  Or the dog we raised from birth decides it doesn’t have to live according to the parameters we have raised in.  This is nothing less than absurdity, but that is how people treat the God who created them in the first place.

Like I said, we live in a time when God, and Jesus, His only begotten Son, are being pushed out of practically every area of our lives.  Those who continue to embrace Jesus and to follow and serve Him with their lives, they are increasingly being looked down upon as “narrow or closed-minded”, and because of this they are increasingly being viewed as the primary hindrance to ‘peace’ and ‘unity’ for the world.  It’s only a matter of time before the God of all creation steps in and makes things right again.  America, a country founded and built upon the Judeo-Christian beliefs and values found in the Bible, has been turning its back on God, embracing some of the prominent values and morals that fly in the face of what God has said is right in His sight, and with little concern for the consequences of such behavior.

It has been said many times over the years that God is going to judge America, and I believe we are closer to that judgment than ever before.  We as a country are going full-speed as far from God as possible, embracing most everything that is contrary to God.  Some of the values we are so aggressively pursuing as a country were the very ones found in Sodom and Gomorrah before God judged it, so why do we think that God won’t judge us?

I was thinking about how America is on the brink of Gods judgment the other night and something came to my mind.  The scriptures tell us that as in the days of Noah and Lot so it will be when He returns for His bride.  I think the times we are now living in fits that description, and if that is the case then we need to remember what transpired with Noah and Lot.  With Noah God was going to not only judge the world but He was going to destroy all humanity, but because Noah was found righteous in Gods sight he and his family were spared by being in the ark God told him to build.  With Lot, God was going to judge and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin and wickedness that prevailed there, but because of Abraham’s intercession God spared Lot and his two daughters by leading them out by angels just as He began to destroy the towns.  Yes, Lots wife was initially with Lot when they were leaving, but because she disobeyed Gods instructions and looked back as they were leaving she became a pillar of salt.  The point is, and what I’ve been getting at, is if our country is on the verge of receiving Gods judgment then it stands to reason that the rapture of the Bride of Christ, the Church, is that much closer.

Are we more concerned about enjoying the life we have here on earth and its many recreations and entertainments, or are we more concerned about the life God has for us now, and all the more on the other side of eternity?  If we are enjoying this life such, or so comfortable that it’s okay if Jesus delays His return, then we need to re-evaluate our relationship with Him and what is truly important to us.  Our life with Him and spending eternity with Him should be the “center-piece” of our life, that for which our life revolves around.  This is not the time to be playing “patty-cake” or “Russian-roulette” with our relationship with Him and our eternity.  One way of determining how important your relationship with Jesus is, and how committed you are to Him, is to take an honest assessment of what is most important to you.  A question that each of us should ask ourselves could be, “is there anything that we would choose to hang onto more than being obedient to God, or is there anyone that we are more concerned with what they think or are afraid of offending or losing more than Jesus Himself?”  Something else to ask is, if God were to ask you to let go of or to give up something that might even be a good thing, would you be obedient to Him or find a way to hold onto it with some sort of rationalizing or justification?  If there is, then this is the time to make a decision for Christ, repent for not having Him be the most important person in your life, and surrender to Him completely.

Time is short!  We are living in the days Jesus spoke of that are like the days of Noah and Lot, and with that means the rapture is just around the corner.  Don’t “blow this off” and not take it seriously, because if you do you could very well find yourself regretting that more than anything else in your life in the very near future.  Please, don’t take that chance!!!!

Edge of Eternity

“People have been saying that for more than 2000 years.”  How many times have you heard someone say that about the rapture?  Or, perhaps you’ve said that yourself.  There is a mindset among many that since people have been saying that for so long then surely He’s not coming, or at least not any time in the immediate future.  This mindset is based simply because Jesus hasn’t already come, but is that one argument, in and of itself, enough to discount His coming back?  I don’t think so.

When Israel became a nation in May 1948 the dynamics changed.  In Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus tells a parable of a fig tree, a parable that many believe points to the rebirth of the Jewish nation.  In this passage of scripture Jesus indicates that the generation of people that see Israel become a nation will not pass away until the rapture and the tribulation comes to an end.  There are many differing views as to what Jesus is alluding to in regards to a generation, whether it is 40 years, 70 years, or even 80 years.  There are even differing views as to whether this period of time started with Israel becoming a nation, with the six-day war in 1967, or even with the Yom Kippur war of 1973.  The point is that we are now living in the time of that generation of people, and that means unlike 2000 years ago, or even 100 years ago, we are on the ‘edge of eternity’.  Yes, we are on the edge of eternity because at the moment of our last breath we go from life here on earth and into eternity, whether that is in heaven or in hell, but I’m not talking about that edge of eternity.  The edge of eternity I’m speaking about is for all humanity.

What does this tell us?  It tells us that the rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ is imminent.  Is it safe for us to say that?  We have entered a period of time where the final positioning of Biblical end-time events surrounding the tribulation period and the anti-Christ are climaxing before our very eyes, literally setting the stage for this to take place at any moment.  We see this in the ever increasing descent of America both domestically and abroad, in world economies and in the many changes taking place in the Middle East.  Keep your eyes on Jerusalem.  With all that is going on we see America turning its back on God and falling into a moral collapse.  America today is not the America many remember it being from even 50 years ago.  The world is waiting and looking for a one-world government, a one-world economy and one person to lead it, but the only thing currently standing in the way of that is America.  That is until America becomes meaningless in the eyes of the world for one reason or another, but nonetheless it has to decline very significantly, something that is happening rather quickly before our very eyes.

So, what am I trying to say?  I’m trying to say that we are on the edge of eternity, and that we need to make sure we are ready and in right relationship with Jesus before that trumpet sound calling His bride to meet Him in the clouds on our way to heaven.  Are you ready?  I hope so.  If not, I strongly encourage you to make yourself ready with no delay.  It will require more than just saying a prayer or walking down an aisle, it will require surrender to Him of our lives for His purposes.  Are you ready to do that?  Think about it!

Decision at the Polls

As people prepare from coast to coast to vote tomorrow for who will be the President of the United States of America for the next four years, it is evident that a lot is at stake.  In fact, I’m not sure if the presidential vote has ever held so much at stake as it does now.  Don’t get me wrong, we have had some where a tremendous amount has been at stake but I don’t know of one that was as far reaching as this one.

When we go to the voting booths tomorrow, we will be deciding the future of our country not only for the next four years, but quite possibly for decades to come.  We will be deciding between two significantly different economic philosophies, one of which would follow a more socialistic point of view and one that will embrace many of the economic values this country has been founded and built upon.  We will be voting between the differences of philosophy regarding healthcare, one which again favors a more socialistic approach and one where states and individuals have the freedom to choose for themselves.  We will be voting between differing views of foreign policy and Israel, one that endeavors to befriend those set on the destruction of Israel AND the United States of America while having low regard for Israel who is one of our closest allies, and the other view that America is a great country and has no need to apologize to its enemies and needs to portray itself strong through its military might.  We will also be voting between differences in moral values, one that embraces a more humanistic viewpoint and one that embraces many of the Judeo-Christian values this country was founded and built upon.

So, you can see that there is a lot at stake with this presidential election.  Someone said this is an election of values, and that is true, but the question is which values we as a nation choose to embrace tomorrow.  I think we have more at stake than what I mentioned earlier for one important and sobering reason.

I heard it once said that if God doesn’t judge America then He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.  It is true that America has in many ways forsaken the God of the Judeo-Christian faith of our Founding Fathers, and in doing so has embraced values and morality views that are in contradiction with Him.  So, where does that leave us?  There are many who believe that God is getting ready, if He hasn’t already begun, to judge America.  There are even many who view some of the natural disasters we have had like Katrina, and recently Sandy, as part of Gods judgment on America.  Rabbi Jonathon Cahn believes scripture points with incredible precision to a judgment coming to America that was set in motion with the events surrounding the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on 9-11-2011.  Can we discount the possibility of God bringing judgment upon this grand country for its push to keep Him out of the affairs and values of this country?  I believe we would be amiss if we believe that God could, or would, never bring judgment to this country.  I believe He can, and I believe it could be argued that He has already begun to judge us, and I especially believe that the way this country votes tomorrow, November 6, 2012, can have some bearing on how God deals with this country.  That is why we need to really make sure of how we as individuals vote, and whether it is in favor of the Judeo-Christian God this country was founded and built upon, or based on personal agendas and personal likes and dislikes.

How are you going to vote tomorrow?  Your vote does count, and if you don’t then you will have no real right to complain or take credit for it results.  Voting is a privilege, so take advantage of the freedom so many have fought and given their lives for you to enjoy and cast your vote tomorrow!

The Moment After …

Imagine yourself sitting at a restaurant with some friends one Sunday afternoon when suddenly two of your friends disappear.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, others in the same restaurant seem to have disappeared at the same moment.  You suddenly hear all kinds of commotion outside and see multiple vehicles colliding with each other as an out of control pilotless air plane is coming towards the very restaurant you are in.

Just as many cell phones start to sound indicating people trying to call, they all suddenly go dead.  You reach for your own cell phone as you try to find some safety in the place only to find no dial tone of any kind.  People are screaming out to those who’ve disappeared, others are panicking as they yell out that they’ve “been left behind”, and still others are either fainting or dying from heart attacks.  What is going on???

After a short period of time you slowly leave the place you’ve been hiding at to see what is happening.  As you do you see the carnage in the place from the plane crashing into the restaurant and tables overturned from people looking for those who disappeared.  You make your way out of the building toward your car that has been sandwiched in by multiple cars that have crashed into yours and others you were parked by.  It is evident that you’re not going to get anywhere fast with all the destruction and the dead and injured lying all around.  You still keep trying to use your cell phone to call out to someone, anyone, but to no avail.  Your cell phone is not detecting any signal and the battery is draining fast as it continually searches for one.

You squeeze yourself into your car and start it up hoping to hear something on the radio, something that would shed some light as to what is going on.  You quickly notice that the radio station you normally listen to is dead, and begin to scan for other stations.  The stations you find are filled with panic and adrenaline as people are trying to report on what is happening in the midst of their own turmoil.

You break down and just sob.  Your world has suddenly turned upside down, and not only yours but everyone else’s as well.  Your mind is racing, worried about your loved ones, both friends and family.  What’s happened to them?  Have they disappeared as well?  Are they okay or have they suffered injury or death as a result of what’s just happened?  What has just happened?  Is this just a local event, and if not how far does this extend to, the country, the continent, or the world?  Some are yelling that it must have been some alien abduction, some are saying it must have been some secret weapon that terrorists or some other foreign enemy have used against us, and there are some that just can’t stop sobbing as they repeat over and over again, “I’ve been left behind.”

After what seems to be forever, you decide you need to get home no matter what.  You put your car into gear and try to push yourself through the other cars that have you pinned in, only to remember that the parking break is still engaged.  You release the parking break and begin to give your car more gas to push through the cars.  After leaving some rubber on the ground with smoke billowing out from your tires, you finally break through and begin to navigate through the carnage making your way home.  As you do, you find it hard to see your way and you’re not sure if it is because of the tears in your eyes or the rain that is pouring down.  If you could just get home and hopefully find family there.

After a couple hours getting home, a trip that would normally have taken you 20 minutes, you find that your neighbor’s F-350 4X4 has found its way into your bedroom and the roof is sagging.  You enter the house drenched from the rain, and a place that would normally be a sanctuary of peace and security is now a place of anxiety and vulnerability.  The power is out and you just fall onto the couch sobbing.

You’re afraid, you’re confused, and you’re unsettled.  How could this have happened to you?  Normally brave and sure of yourself, you don’t know what to make of any of this especially since this doesn’t make any sense.  As you lay there sobbing a memory comes to mind, a memory of when you were just 10 years old.  You remember going to church with your grandparents and the many discussions you had with them, discussions regarding Jesus, giving your life to Him, and the rapture and tribulation period soon to come.  You also remember how that one Sunday morning your grandpa walked you down the aisle to receive Jesus because you wanted to, and the feelings of love and acceptance you felt after having done so.  Immediately your memory went to when you were 16, two years after your parents divorced, six months after your dog unexpectantly died, and a month after your mom died in a car accident.  You remember yelling at God one night demanding that He tell you why all this was happening.  How could God be so cruel?  Where was this love He was supposed to have?  You ask yourself why you should keep living for Him and can’t come up with one good reason for it.  You remember thinking, “if this is what serving God is all about, then you don’t want anything to do with Him.”  On that day, at that moment, you decided that you were not going to have anything more to do with God, or Jesus, or whatever name He went by.  “Is this why I got left behind”, you ask yourself.

So, what are you going to do?  You remember your grandparents telling you that there will be people that will get saved after the rapture and they would have to give their lives for Jesus, but what do you do?  For starters, you can get angry at God and spit in His face and curse Him with everything within you.  Or, you can repent for the life you chose without Him, asking for His forgiveness and recommitting your life to Him for the duration, even if it means your life.  This first decision will determine what you do from that time on as things are just going to get worse with each passing day.

After deciding to either get angry or despise God all the more, or to repent and surrender your life to Jesus once and for all, what are you going to do?  From what you can gather, you no longer have any family in the area.  Do you stay where you’re at and see what you can do, or should you try to make the treacherous journey several states away to family you’re not even sure are still there?  What are you going to do????

You know, you don’t even have to be in this position.  You can, even now, surrender your life totally and completely over to Jesus so you can be among those who disappear to a better place and a better life.  Time is short for the return of Jesus.  You can see it in the nightly news and even in the news reports from other news agencies around the world.  The stage is being set with the final pieces coming into place for the start of the tribulation period, and as many believe the Bible teaches the rapture of the Church will take place before the tribulation period starts, that means the rapture will happen any time.  Are you ready?  There is no time to spare.  Make sure you are ready for when He returns and you won’t find yourself in the position laid out earlier in this blog.  You don’t want to be left behind!!!

A Wake-up Call to Prepare

I just recently heard that Russia has practically bailed out the economies of Greece and Cyprus, which I admit was a surprise for me.  This apparently was done through the acquisition of some of these countries natural resources.  The European economy is struggling with the financial collapses of some of its member states, and some even predict its collapse within months.  The United States economy is teetering on the brink of collapse as well, with various city and county governments declaring bankruptcy, the increase of unemployment and the spiraling, out of control debt we are experiencing nationwide.  I’ve even heard some experts to say that if the European economy collapses so will the United States that is how much the two economies depend on the other.

Here in America we are experiencing some extreme weather conditions that have threatened our economy, our energy resources, and our food supplies significantly.  The price of so many things, including food, has begun to rise as a result.  The cost of obtaining an education has also begun to skyrocket which either prevents some from pursuing an education, or for others obtain financial assistance they may never be able to repay because of the cost and lack of employment opportunities we are now facing.  We are also facing an election in November that will determine the future of our country in ways that it may never be able to recover from.  A lot is at stake with this election not just on a federal level, but also in the varied levels of government.  A lot is happening.

All eyes are on the Middle East right now.  Can’t say it is for any one particular reason as there are many.  For quite a while there has been a focus on Iran and its nuclear pursuits coupled with their determination to wipe Israel off the face of the world.  We’ve seen how different countries have gone through what has been labeled as an “Arab Spring”, using force to remove the current leaderships of those countries, and how the Islamist extremists are seizing power wherever they can.  Just these two issues alone scream out for attention, creating instability to the region, but it doesn’t end there.  Currently a lot of attention is on Syria and its neighboring countries.  Syria is going through a civil war between the established government regime and rebel forces made up of Syrians and others from other countries, including various terrorist groups.  Syria has the attention of the world right now not only because of the violence and loss of life that has been experienced there, but also because they possess possibly the world’s largest stockpile of chemical and biological weapons.  There are a number of reasons for the concern in that there is a fear Syria’s government will begin to use them against their own people, or perhaps against Israel or one of its other neighbors.  The fears don’t stop there as many fear these weapons of mass destruction will fall into the hands of the rebels, of terrorist groups like Hezbollah which can then use it against others.  If that isn’t enough, Russia, China and Iran have made it clear that they will defend Syria if there is any attempt by outside forces to undermine or replace the current Syrian regime.  Needless to say, there is a lot going on in that region.  Even now various governments are looking and preparing for a major war to break out in the region in just weeks, not months or years.  Some even believe it is very possible and maybe even probable, that this war will turn nuclear because of the issue with Syria’s chemical and biological weapons.

All of these things, as well as others I haven’t mentioned, have gained the attention of many.  People are wondering what is going on, and more importantly what is in store for us within the next several weeks.  Remember I told you that there is the preparation of a major war in the Middle East within weeks, only to be followed by the elections in November?  Well, I’m noticing something that I want to briefly share with you, something that could have eternal ramifications for you.

I want to start off by reiterating the fact that no one knows when Jesus will return for His bride, and to declare a date for His return is foolishness.  However, Jesus does tell us to be watching for His return pointing out many different signs that would indicate His return being extremely close.  I notice that not only do the signs we currently see scream that His return is very near, but I find it interesting that many of these same signs point to a climaxing period of time that coincides with a particular event.  What is that event?  It is Rosh Hashanah, the fifth of seven feasts the Jews remember each year.  Rosh Hashanah is also known as the Feast of Trumpets.  For 30 days preceding this feast a trumpet is blasted once each day.  The day before this feast no trumpet is sounded so people will know Rosh Hashanah is next, but on Rosh Hashanah there are 100 blasts of the trumpet with four different sounds.  Three of the four sounds are blasted 33 times, and the fourth sound is only blasted on the 100th blast.  The trumpets being used for Rosh Hashanah and the preceding 30 days is not a metal trumpet, but instead a shofar which is made from an animal horn, usually a ram.  These 30 days are set apart by the Jews as a day to repent, remember their sins and to prepare for the judgment.  The Rosh Hashanah feast has many parallels to what we refer to as the rapture, but I’m only going to highlight a few.  This feast is known as the day of the awakening blast, the day of the resurrection.  It is also identified as the day of the coronation of the King; the King takes His bride, and the day of the Kings wedding.  The 100th blast of the shofar is known by Jews as “the last trump”, the same one that the Apostle Paul referred to when addressing the rapture of the saints.  This is also the day that God divides mankind into three groups, the wholly righteous, the wholly wicked, and those who are in the middle.  There is one more element to this feast that has my attention and screams out to me, and perhaps it will for you as well.

When referring to Rosh Hashanah, the Jews knew it by another name.  Before I tell you what that name was let me give you some background.  Of the seven feasts God instituted for Israel, this is the only one that the Jews never knew when it was to take.  They were able to pinpoint a 48 hour period of time each year for when it was to start, but that was it.  They knew it was to start with a new moon, but they didn’t know which of two days that would be.  As a result, they would be watching for the new moon, and when it was seen then two witnesses had to go and testify of this to the priests who would then declare the start of the feast.  Because of this what was instituted by God as a one-day feast turned into a two-day feast referred to as one long day, but that is not the name I’m referring to.  With the uncertainty of when it was to start, the feast became known by ancient Jews even in Jesus’ day as “the day no man knows the day or hour”.  Do those words sound familiar?  They should be.  This is the words of Jesus that people use to argue that we can’t know when Jesus is returning.

So, when is this feast?  Well, in 2012 it starts on the eve of September 16th and extends to September 18th.  Whether or not Jesus is returning during that time only God the Father knows, but I find it ironic that it seems things in our world seem to be climaxing around the same period of time, and it behooves us to make sure we are ready if that is the case.  Just as the Jews are using this time to prepare themselves and make themselves ready, so must we.  There’s more I could share but in the attempt to keep this from getting too long, if it isn’t already, I’m going to go ahead and finish this.

The fact is that Jesus is coming back, and all indications are that it is very near, perhaps nearer than we realize.  Make sure you are right with God and ready for Jesus’ return.  Let go of any unforgiveness of any kind.  Rid yourselves of any sin or sinful thinking, and embrace Jesus and His word as never before, more than just the standard by which we are to live by.  Make sure He is your one and only and not your one of many.  Be a follower of Jesus and not just a passionate fan.  BE READY!!!!!

Ever ask yourself, “What is going on????”

Okay. Here in America we’ve seen Obamacare survive the examination of the United States Supreme Court. We’re also seeing very out of the ordinary weather and various types of natural disasters throughout the country.

In the world we’re seeing things heat up in the middle east as countries try to find a away to stop Syria’s internal war which involves killing civilians.  Countries are hurriedly positioning significant amounts of troops and military equipment into key positions preparing for war.  We also have Iran pursuing nuclear weapons with the determination to use those same weapons on both Israel and the United States.

And then there is both the European and United States economies which are both on the brink of collapse.  The United States is teetering on the edge of an economic cliff, and it’s trying through counterproductive measures to avoid that.  The European economy is crumbling and one wrong move in an attempt to reverse this could spell its quick demise.

Oh, and let us not forget about the recent deal between Saudi Arabia and China, a deal that guarantees China an unlimited supply of oil through 2035, no matter what happens on the world scene, in exchange for supplying Saudi Arabia with both nuclear weapons and the construction of military nuclear sites within Saudi Arabia that both countries will protect with their militaries.  The interesting thing about this is that it gives China a very strong interest in the middle east, an interest that would give them all the incentive they need to send 200 million troops into the middle east to protect. Isn’t that prophesied in the Bible?

These are just a sample of the things going on in the world today, both within the United States and abroad.  There is no question that things seem to be heating up in all areas of life, politically, economically, militarily, socially, technologically, and spiritually, just to name a few.  The world is bracing for some pretty significant solar flares that could really mess things up for electronically dependent societies, and Israel is working hard to protect it’s right to exist as a people and as a soverign state.

What does all this mean?  More specifically, what does this mean for you?  It would be one thing if Christians were alone in making these observations, but that is not the case.  People throughout the world, non-Christians, see clearly and comment about what is happening and have significant concerns regarding what is in store for all of us in the very near future, some even experiencing fear from them.  For those of us who are followers of Jesus, and please note I did not say ‘Christians’ as many call themselves but do not truly follow Jesus, it is a time to be looking to the sky with excitement as we know our redemption draws near.  The trumpet will sound and those who are followers of Jesus, both among the living and the dead, will be called away to join Jesus to forever live with Him.  For those who are not followers of Christ, this is a time to be very concerned about your future and eternal destination and to enter into a saving relationship with Christ on His terms.  For those who are not followers of Christ this is a time that will be filled with great fear and/or great deception of better times ahead.  The great people of ‘spin’ will do their best to add their ‘spin’ to what is happening in order to get people to buy the lies they are ‘selling’ and perhaps believing themselves.

If you are one of those who are concerned about what is happening in the world, I strongly encourage you to surrender your lives to Jesus.  That is your only hope in light of what is ‘coming down the pipes’ as we watch the evening news.  This is not the time to be playing Russian Roulette with your eternity and gamble that the Bible is wrong and that true, pure Christianity is just a fantasy of imaginations.

John Johansson –

As in the days of Noah …

I often times will take a minute and just observe people and what they are doing.  As I observe them I can’t help but wonder if they even have a clue about what is coming to this earth.  I see them in their cars talking to others in the vehicle, some going in and out of various establishments, and others just walking down the street seemingly without a care in the world.  Well, some of the people I observe are actually carrying a lot of the cares of the world on their shoulders, and it shows.  I don’t know how many of these people are followers of Christ, or for that matter mere fans of Jesus, but I believe it is safe to say that the majority of them are not.  For many of them, Jesus is the farthest thing from their minds, being more concerned about the party the night before, looking for that perfect dress, checking out the sights and feeling the excitment of a relationship they’re in.

In Matthew 24:37-39, Jesus tells us that the time of His return will be as the days of Noah, a time when they were more caught up with enjoying life than they were in heeding the warnings of this man named Noah.  After all, who could’ve imagined a flood of any type, much less a global one that would destroy all life as they knew it.  It sounds just as absurd as the rapture, doesn’t it?  Well, the flood Noah told them was going to come actually came, and only those who heeded the warnings of Noah was saved.  People are so caught up now with living life that they are not heeding, or even listening to, the warnings of Jesus’ soon return.  They are more concerned about living for the moment than they are in preparing their lives for eternity.

In Luke 21:34-36, Jesus tells us to be watching for His return, and I wonder how many people are heeding these words of Jesus.  Sadly, the majority of people, both Christian and non-Christian, are not watching for Him.  Obviously, those who are not Christians wouldn’t be looking for His return, but what about Christians?  You would think that Christians would be watching, but many of them are just content with living life under the premise of ‘occupying till He comes’.  Yes, we are to ‘occupy till He comes’, but Jesus made a point in telling us, no, commanding us to be watching for Him.  So, why is that many Christians are just not watching?

I find myself listening, watching and reading the news only to see Biblical end-time prophesies jumping off the pages more and more.  I can’t help but see that Jesus’ soon return is very soon.  Who knows, perhaps He’ll come back tonight while we’re sleeping, but seeing how so few are even looking for His return I can only imagine how many will be caught off guard.

I encourage you to take another look at Luke 21:34-36, and see how clear Jesus is that we keep watching for Him.  Don’t be careless with your eternity and not take His return seriously.  In watching for Him, it would only make sense that we make sure we’re ready and prepared so that we won’t be left behind.  I can’t help but wonder how much peoples lives would change if they were to take His return seriously and lived a life watching for Him.

Jesus is coming back, and if what is happening throughout the world is the fulfillment of Biblical end-time prophesies and the final steps in lining things up for the tribulation period, then we need to realize His return is very, very, very close.

Be watching!!!!

John Johansson

What’s in store for 2012?

Well, we’ve entered the year 2012.  Who would have thought we would see this year?  A lot is happening on a lot of fronts, around the world, in our local communities, and in many of our families. This year promises to be a year of anxiety and stress as we see and perhaps experience things we never thought we would. We’re seeing upheaval all around the world, an increase in major natural diseasters on a global scale, economic diseasters looming overhead here in America and in Europe, and policitical ‘wars’ that threaten an already fragile and unstable domestic life we currently have. All of this on top of a surging movement rising against Christianity, Christian values, and Christians in general.

Contrary to the belief of some, it is evident in scripture that things are only going to get worse as we see the Day of the Lord approaching. Some may say that we have many, many years ahead before that day comes, possibly not even in our lifetime, thinking that what we are experiencing is only part of a cycle that will come back around to better times. I disagree for two primary reasons. One is the fact that Israel became a nation in 1948, and Jesus told us that when that happens everything He says will happen in the last days will take place before the generation of people that saw the birth of Israel pass away.  Wow, that was a lot of words. The second reason is simply because we are seeing the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy regarding end-time events happen at a very accelerated rate of speed, and what was previously considered unthinkable is now taking place as the pieces come together to mirror what was prophesied thousands of years earlier.

What does this tell us? The world doesn’t have much to offer us except more pain, confusion and misery, especially as we pursue our selfish desires, goals and agendas. This also tells us that we as followers of Christ are about to see that blessed hope we’ve been clinging to about to come over the horizon, that blessed hope being the return of Christ for His bride, the church. So, while this is a year where tremendous uncertainity and stress is evident for the future of our country and world, this could also be the year of tremendous excitement as we watch for Jesus to split the sky to take His followers home.

Are you ready for His return?  If not then I encourage you to get yourself ready as time is running short.  If you are ready for His return, then I encourage you to reach out to others and encourage them to prepare and be ready.

May 2012 be the best year ever for you and your family.

Come visit,

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

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