Is It Time For Some Shaking?

Can you think of a time in your life when you were flat out terrified? Perhaps it was a dream you had, or a time when you thought you were going to be attacked by someone or something terrifying.  Maybe you were a witness to someone getting in a major accident, or you found yourself unexpectedly free-falling from a height unimaginable or standing in front of an audience where all eyes were on you.  No matter the situation, you more than likely had a physical response to this terrifying experience that was out of the norm.  In the book of James we see how demons physically respond when terrified.


In James 2:19 the writer makes the following statement. “You believe that there is one God.  You do well.  Even the demons believe – and tremble!”  Even demons tremble at the thought of God!  Wow!  If they physically tremble at the mention of God, how is it that many can be so cavalier and flippant about the presence of God?  I’m not talking about those in right relationship with Christ as they find comfort in His presence yet maintain a sense of reverence and awe of Him.  I’m talking about those who seem to have little regard for Him and His presence, not really taking Him serious, thinking they are okay because they said a prayer, go to church, or sing in the choir.  Is it possible that these people are so self-absorbed that they give little, if any, thought about the Creator of the ends of the universe, the same one that can destroy body and soul in hell?


Okay, we just saw the physical response of demons when it comes to God, but what about humans? Do we have a similar example of a human when it comes to God?  I believe we do in the person of King Belshazzar as recorded in the book of Daniel in chapter five.  In this account, he has just summoned for the gold and silver vessels taken from the temple in Jerusalem to be used for a party he was having.  This was an act of mockery and disregard towards the one and true living God.  After having done so, a man’s hand appeared and began to write on the wall to be observed by those there, including King Belshazzar.  In verse six we read what the Kings physical response was to this event.  In a nutshell, much like many of us who have been faced with a terrifying experience, his body simply became like Jello with knees knocking.  Nothing or no one touched him, but he was so terrified by what he saw that it shook him to the core.


As we can see from the above examples, just because someone is terrified at the mention or presence of God does not mean they will repent and get their lives right with God through Christ. This just goes to show how strong ones free will is, and how that God will not override that free will to save someone.  Oh, he may override ones free will to accomplish His will or to make Himself known to someone, but He will never override their free will when it comes to salvation.  We can see this in the lives of Pharaoh and Jezebel.  Even after all the things God did to persuade Pharaoh to release the Jews, he still chose to buck God and do his own thing.  As for Jezebel, even after Elijah’s showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and the overwhelming and decisive way that God made Himself known to the people, she still chose to do her own thing and threaten the man of God.  And we can see these same type of responses in many people in our day.  It doesn’t matter what God says or does, no matter how persuasive and powerful He shows Himself to be, there are still some will choose for one reason or another to reject God and His son, Jesus.


But back to the main issue I want to address in this blog. We live in a time when God is not esteemed as He should rightfully be, taking Him and His presence so lightly.  Many churches have become more of a social gathering and a place of gourmet coffees and snacks instead of the place of worship and respect for the God to whom we claim we serve.  I remember a time when drinks and food were not allowed in church, that the sanctuary was not a playground, and when the disrespectful talking and conversations going on during worship or the message was not tolerated.  How is it that we have become so irreverent towards the house of God, His Word, or even His presence?  I’m reminded of Ananias and Sapphira and how they were smitten dead on the spot for lying to the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes I wonder what God will do to restore the reverence we have so trampled on in the pursuit of making people “feel” welcomed and comfortable in church.  And what about the price many choose to pay for the sake of “fellowship”.  We can have fellowship in many different ways and at various other times, but do we treat it as though it is more important than our corporate time with Him, and as saints of old would do, being patient and pressing in to Him all the more?  I find myself wondering if we really don’t care about Him and what pleases Him, being more concerned about our own personal agendas and what we think is more important.


How about you? Are you one that has shown little, if any, reverence and regard for Christ in your life and at church?  If so, what would it take for that to change in your life?  Would it require a hand appearing out of nowhere writing on a wall?  Would it take the sudden and unexpected death of someone in a church service that was being so flippant about the house of God and His presence?  I hope you’re not one of these people, and that you are ever in awe and reverence of Him no matter where you go or who you’re with, especially at church.  If not, I strongly encourage you to take this to prayer and ask God to change your heart and attitude towards Him into that which is healthy and right in His sight.

The House of God

A few weeks ago on a Wednesday, while helping to take up the offering, I saw almost a dozen of our youth with their cell phones out texting, surfing on the internet, or playing games.  This was very disconcerting to me as it became even more apparent how far we’ve come from honoring God and the house of God.  Churches have in many ways, and for a number of different reasons, evolved more into a social club than a place of worship to the Creator of the ends of the universe.  Churches, in the eyes of many, have become a place of optional attendance where many can go to get the latest updates on what’s happening with others instead of meeting with the one true God.  Don’t get me wrong, we do need to interact and fellowship with other believers, and we don’t have to attend church to meet with God, but we’re talking about a place set aside for the purpose of gathering together to meet and worship Him in a corporate setting.  Yet, we often time treat it no differently or no better than the local grocery store, a school or place of employment, just to name a few places.  In many ways we treat church more as a social club than as a place of worship.

How is that an overwhelming number of churches, places set aside as a place of worship, have become more of a social club of sorts?  Is it because we have as some call it, lost the ‘fear’ of the Lord?  Do we not value or revere God for who He is anymore?  Have we become so caught up with our own life, and our pursuit of it and the happiness we hope to attain by it, that we are no longer concerned about the God who created us?  The same God who is more than able to, as Jesus put it, to destroy both body and soul in hell?

You say that I’m wrong, and that churches are still revered as a place of meeting and worship of the one true God?  Think about it.  If students had their cell phones out to text, surf the internet or play games while in class and their teacher is talking, would that be considered acceptable and overlooked by the teacher or school administration?  Or, what about the employee who is having to receive some training but keeps talking to others, either intermittently or continuously, especially about things that don’t pertain to what the training involves or could wait until afterwards?  Would your employer be okay with that?  I venture to say that neither of these situations would be allowed nor tolerated, and that there would probably be some negative consequences to such behavior either immediately or shortly thereafter.

I’ve heard some argue that there is nothing wrong with this behavior in church, citing various different reasons to justify it.  Recently, however, I thought of another situation that discounts many of the reasons I’ve heard and at the same time shows the lack of regard or value some have for the house of God.  Or should I say how much they value other places and events above that of our churches which are to be a place of worship?  Cell phones have become for many a necessity in life, something that provides a ‘life-line’ of communication and entertainment for many.  It’s as if some can’t bear the thought of just turning it off or ignoring it when it beckons for their attention.  I’ve known many, both past and present, that can’t seem to leave their phones alone, so much so that some felt just checking their phone was more important than keeping their job, and it cost them.

I told you I thought of a situation that demonstrates how much we’ve lost respect and reverence for the house of God, so I’ll tell you what that is.  Now, I must start by saying that it’s been years since I’ve visited a movie theater, but I venture to say that things haven’t changed much since then.  When a person goes to a theater to watch a movie they are expecting to see the movie without any interruptions or distractions of any kind.  If there is anyone that seems to have a problem staying quiet by continually having to say something or make a lot of noise, that wouldn’t be tolerated and the person would be asked to leave.  If someone kept using their cell phone, people wouldn’t appreciate the repeated distraction of the display lighting up or the various audio sounds it would broadcast.  I know that there are some who will go so far as to either turn their phones off or put them on silent, and if someone needs to get a hold of them they will have to wait until after the movie ends, unless they will step outside into the lobby area.  The idea is that many will keep their phones off or ignore them until after the movie is over, not wanting to be distracted from the movie or to be a distraction to others, not really worried about checking it or making people wait, but will they do the same thing during church?  Do they approach their time at church the same way?  For myself, my phone goes on silent before church starts and remains silent and unchecked until after Sunday school, the only exception possibly being between the service and Sunday school if not preoccupied.

Like the movie theater, there are other places that we frequent where we have reasonable expectations of what to expect when we get there.  When we go to the grocery store we expect to get groceries, not an update on the current events in the Middle East.  When we go to our place of employment we expect to do the work our employer assigns us to do, not to take out some golf clubs and practice our golf swings.  When we go to school or some other form of training we expect to learn from those giving the instruction, not to sit back in our seats with an espresso coffee in one hand and in our other hand texting others with our cell phones.  Yet, when it comes to church, a place set aside for the corporate worship and learning of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Creator of the ends of the universe, we find it hard to avoid the various behaviors associated with a very casual social club and to focus on the purpose the church is set apart for.  We can gather with fellow believers at other various locations and times where a more casual time of fellowship is expected and enjoyed, but the House of God should be recognized as such and given the respect and reverence it deserves and requires.

So, I conclude by asking you a few simple questions I hope you will honestly ask yourself over the next few days.  Are there one or more places that you frequent where you have no problem leaving your cell phone alone for the duration of time you are there no matter what, whether that means it is turned off or on silent?  Are there one or more places that you frequent where you have no problem focusing on both the purpose the place is set aside for and the leaders giving instruction instead of trying to catch up or talk with others in attendance?  Did you include the House of God in your answers to the last two questions?  If you did, is at the top of your list?  If the House of God was not included in either of your answers, or if it wasn’t at the top of the list, then it could be surmised that you do not value the House of God as much as other places, or as much as we ought as both children of God and Ambassadors of Christ.  Take the time these next few days and honestly ask yourself each of these questions, then ask yourself if your actions and behaviors support what you say is important and valuable to you.


John Johansson

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