End Times


Is your head starting to spin a bit?  Do you find that a lot of what is going on in…

7 years ago

Restoring Our Vision

No matter what kind it is, whenever someone is in a race their focus is on one thing, to be…

7 years ago


A word often spoken about animals that have a knack of getting loose from a pen or some other form…

7 years ago

A 2018 Challenge

As we face the arrival of a new year, it is becoming increasingly more apparent that the return of Jesus…

7 years ago

Bride, or Bridesmaids

In Matthew 25:1-13 we find Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, a parable often referenced when talking about end-time events. …

7 years ago

It Has Arrived

A new book I just finished has now been released.  A Glory Filled Future; Understanding end-time events and the marriage…

7 years ago


About a month ago, the division I work for was involved in helping a neighboring County in the evacuation of…

8 years ago

The Mark of the Beast

It seems like most everyone in and out of church circles has heard the term, the Mark of the Beast. …

8 years ago


Signs.  We see them every day.  We see traffic signs that help us to safely navigate through traffic to our…

8 years ago

The Bible, Our Compass

As we approach 2017, with all the unknowns it has for us, we need to remember God’s word to us. …

8 years ago

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