Categories: End Times

As in the days of Noah …

I often times will take a minute and just observe people and what they are doing.  As I observe them I can’t help but wonder if they even have a clue about what is coming to this earth.  I see them in their cars talking to others in the vehicle, some going in and out of various establishments, and others just walking down the street seemingly without a care in the world.  Well, some of the people I observe are actually carrying a lot of the cares of the world on their shoulders, and it shows.  I don’t know how many of these people are followers of Christ, or for that matter mere fans of Jesus, but I believe it is safe to say that the majority of them are not.  For many of them, Jesus is the farthest thing from their minds, being more concerned about the party the night before, looking for that perfect dress, checking out the sights and feeling the excitment of a relationship they’re in.

In Matthew 24:37-39, Jesus tells us that the time of His return will be as the days of Noah, a time when they were more caught up with enjoying life than they were in heeding the warnings of this man named Noah.  After all, who could’ve imagined a flood of any type, much less a global one that would destroy all life as they knew it.  It sounds just as absurd as the rapture, doesn’t it?  Well, the flood Noah told them was going to come actually came, and only those who heeded the warnings of Noah was saved.  People are so caught up now with living life that they are not heeding, or even listening to, the warnings of Jesus’ soon return.  They are more concerned about living for the moment than they are in preparing their lives for eternity.

In Luke 21:34-36, Jesus tells us to be watching for His return, and I wonder how many people are heeding these words of Jesus.  Sadly, the majority of people, both Christian and non-Christian, are not watching for Him.  Obviously, those who are not Christians wouldn’t be looking for His return, but what about Christians?  You would think that Christians would be watching, but many of them are just content with living life under the premise of ‘occupying till He comes’.  Yes, we are to ‘occupy till He comes’, but Jesus made a point in telling us, no, commanding us to be watching for Him.  So, why is that many Christians are just not watching?

I find myself listening, watching and reading the news only to see Biblical end-time prophesies jumping off the pages more and more.  I can’t help but see that Jesus’ soon return is very soon.  Who knows, perhaps He’ll come back tonight while we’re sleeping, but seeing how so few are even looking for His return I can only imagine how many will be caught off guard.

I encourage you to take another look at Luke 21:34-36, and see how clear Jesus is that we keep watching for Him.  Don’t be careless with your eternity and not take His return seriously.  In watching for Him, it would only make sense that we make sure we’re ready and prepared so that we won’t be left behind.  I can’t help but wonder how much peoples lives would change if they were to take His return seriously and lived a life watching for Him.

Jesus is coming back, and if what is happening throughout the world is the fulfillment of Biblical end-time prophesies and the final steps in lining things up for the tribulation period, then we need to realize His return is very, very, very close.

Be watching!!!!

John Johansson

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John Johansson

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John Johansson

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