Can You Hear It?
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Can You Hear It?
Can you hear it? The “midnight cry” is sounding out even now that the very near return of Jesus for His followers is imminent. Should we be hearing it? Or should we be ignoring it?
Mr. C Doesn't Know Jesse
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Mr. C Doesn’t Know Jesse
Have you ever been to a pro sporting event? I have. To be specific, I’ve been to two NFL games in my life, and I have to say that both of them were an experience to remember. Let’s take a tour o…
What's Keeping You from Church?
Resounding Shophar Ministries
What’s Keeping You from Church?
Over the years I’ve seen and heard of many who have stopped going to church for one reason or another, and sadly the trend just seems to be growing. On several occasions I have had conversation…
What About You?
Resounding Shophar Ministries
What About You?
Several years ago a very well-known and highly respected man of God had a significant shift in his ministry. He had seen the suffering of some in other countries and found himself wrestling with a…
The Final Act is Being Prepared
Resounding Shophar Ministries
The Final Act is Being Prepared
We are living in some very exciting days right now. Biblical end-time prophecy is unfolding like never before, and we have the grand opportunity to see it unfold before our very eyes. While it is t…
The Hospital That's Not
Resounding Shophar Ministries
The Hospital That’s Not
Last night my wife and I were having a conversation regarding the direction many churches seem to be going in these last days, and from that conversation an analogy, a word picture of sorts, came t…
Rapture - Part 1
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Rapture – Part 1
Rapture. A term that seems to elicit any number of responses ranging from wholehearted acceptance and anticipation to adamant pronouncements of all who believe in it being heretical and unsaved. …
As We See That Day Approaching ...
Resounding Shophar Ministries
As We See That Day Approaching …
As I was thinking about the soon return of our Lord and Savior for His bride, I began to think about what are some of the things we need to be doing as we see that blessed day approaching. Or, sho…
Communion In A Worthy Manner
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Communion In A Worthy Manner
In a couple days churches around the world will be remembering Jesus’ death through communion. Frequently this is done on a monthly basis, but there are also many churches that do this on a more or…
Is God About To Answer Your Prayer
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Is God About To Answer Your Prayer
Back in the 1980’s I had the pleasure of sitting in a series of weeklong meetings where Dr. Handel Price was the speaker. For those of you who have never heard of him, he was a powerfully anointed …
The Death in Halloween
Resounding Shophar Ministries
The Death in Halloween
Sitting here and watching some television a thought crossed my mind, the death in Halloween. Have you ever really taken a look at Halloween and what it involves, and what it promotes? Everything …
Recruiting for Followers
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Recruiting for Followers
The recruiting push is on. The recruiter is looking for those willing to give their all for the cause, even if it means their very lives. This isn’t for the weak at heart or for those obstinate i…
Is God About To Answer Your Prayer
Resounding Shophar Ministries
Is God About To Answer Your Prayer
Back in the 1980’s I had the pleasure of sitting in a series of weeklong meetings where Dr. Handel Price was the speaker. For those of you who have never heard of him, he was a powerfully anointed …
The Great Illusion
Resounding Shophar Ministries
The Great Illusion
Illusions performed by magicians can be quite impressive, capturing the attention of fans and critics alike. For fans, fueled by their amazement of what just happened, they are mesmerized into try…