
How Shall They Know

Hello, Everyone!  My name is John Johansson, and welcome again to another broadcast of the Resounding Shophar Blast!  It’s been…

5 years ago

Clogged Arteries

The last several weeks have been an adventure of sorts for me.  It all started for me the first week…

6 years ago

How Secure Are You?

I was recently asked by a friend I’ve known since my youth if I had written anything on this particular…

9 years ago

Jesus, Our Savior

Jesus, our Savior, that is what many of us are looking for.  We want to receive God’s love for us,…

9 years ago

Recalibrating Our Thoughts

The way things are currently developing both within the country and around the world, I am compelled to address a…

10 years ago

Wedding Guest Gets The Boot.

For the longest time I have wondered about the meaning or significance of the parable of the wedding feast found…

13 years ago

Making Your Decision Count

It is evident from world events that things are winding down and the return of Christ is very, very near. …

13 years ago

Russian Roulette With Eternity

I’ve been in church all my life, and according to my mom had given my life to the Lord when…

13 years ago

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