end times

How Shall They Know

Hello, Everyone!  My name is John Johansson, and welcome again to another broadcast of the Resounding Shophar Blast!  It’s been…

5 years ago

Rapture or No Rapture

I grew up in church and with the awareness of a soon coming rapture of the church, the bride of…

10 years ago

Are You Ready

There has been a lot of talk lately about four blood moons and their connection to the Jewish feasts, also…

10 years ago

Is It For Itchy Ears?

Over the years I have heard many proclaim from the pulpits of local churches and on TV and radio that…

10 years ago

Edge of Eternity

“People have been saying that for more than 2000 years.”  How many times have you heard someone say that about…

12 years ago

A Wake-up Call to Prepare

I just recently heard that Russia has practically bailed out the economies of Greece and Cyprus, which I admit was…

13 years ago

As We See That Day Approaching …

As I was thinking about the soon return of our Lord and Savior for His bride, I began to think…

13 years ago

Wedding Guest Gets The Boot.

For the longest time I have wondered about the meaning or significance of the parable of the wedding feast found…

13 years ago

As in the days of Noah …

I often times will take a minute and just observe people and what they are doing.  As I observe them…

13 years ago

Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

For years I have been concerned about the current state of the Church in general, specifically the church in the…

13 years ago

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