John Johansson

Are You Sure?

3 months ago

Two Stones of Hope

Main Text:  John 11:38-39 38 Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and…

5 years ago

A Christians Approach to Halloween

Several weeks ago I walked into the local Wal-Mart and was immediately reminded about the time of year we were…

5 years ago

How Shall They Know

Hello, Everyone!  My name is John Johansson, and welcome again to another broadcast of the Resounding Shophar Blast!  It’s been…

5 years ago

At the Doors

Hello, Everyone!  Welcome to another broadcast of the Resounding Shophar Blast!  In case you haven’t been watching, there is a…

6 years ago

Gut Check

Hello, everyone.  Glad you could join us today for another broadcast of the Resounding Shophar Blast!  The last couple weeks…

6 years ago

Can You Hear It?

Can you hear it? The "midnight cry" is sounding out even now that the very near return of Jesus for…

6 years ago

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