Categories: Halloween

A Christians Take on Halloween – A Re-post from 2011

As we enter this day known as halloween, the question often asked over the years by Christians during this time is, “should Christians participate in holloween?”  I’ve heard many an argument over the years, some arguing that there is nothing wrong with Christians participating in it, and yet others who argue that a Christian should not be a part of it.  In the midst of these arguments for or against we have some who have found a place of compromise that allows them in some way to be a part of the festivities.  So, what should be our stand on the issue of halloween, or is it something that shouldn’t be an issue one way or another?  The choice is up to you on what stand, if any, you will make regarding halloween, but for me not to share my thoughts on the subject would be wrong.

One of the arguments I hear tries to throw into the mix of this argument past pagan traditions and activities, making the accepting or unaccepting of Santa Clause, christmas trees, Easter bunnies, and other things, equal to that of participating in halloween.  They mention things about being extreme and legalistic, and if that is their take then that is up to them.  I have no objections about Santa Clause, the use of a christmas tree as a holiday decoration, or even Easter bunnies, but I do have an issue of halloween.  Let me explain.

I was talking with someone yesterday about this subject and a word-picture came to my mind that many of us can identify with.  We in America have had the privilage of enjoying a freedom and peace that most countries in the world do not have, and we have been willing to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to protect and defend those privilages we do not take for granted.  Being a country that enjoy these privilages, there are countries and groups out there that are bent on destroying our nation and any trace of the freedom and peace we enjoy.  They want nothing less than to wipe us off the face of the earth.  One of these groups, among many out there, are Islamic extremists and terrorists.  If you knew someone, or some group, was bent on your destruction and annialation, what would you do?  Most Americans would keep them at an arms distance away, being both wary and protective in their dealings with them.  However, and I’m not being political but instead showing a parallel, our current administration has in their decisions, choices and behavior, have pushed the envelope with us in some of their dealings with these groups.  They have in some ways embraced and flirted with these groups trying to be their friend, all the while ignoring the fact that our demise is their only objective.  This is how we treat halloween.  Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for.  Unlike other holidays and special festivities, there is absolutely no redeeming attribute in halloween, and it flies in the face of our Christian faith, opposing anything that is good, right, true and loving.  Yet, we find a way, like our current administration, to push the envelope and flirt with something that is ‘hell-bent’ on the demise of the Christian faith and those who follow it.

So, what should our stand as Christians be toward this day that the enemy of our souls has used to magnify himself and bring death and darkness to our world?  Are we not told to have nothing to do with ‘darkness’?  Yes, Jesus interacted with all people everywhere in His day here on earth, but would he give place to idolatry and participate in that which promoted or represented the different forms of idolatry and worship of other gods?  I think not.

The decision is up to you, what you will do with this day known as halloween.  Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made, and we need to honor Him in it first and foremost, not the one who is completely at war with Him.

Copyright 2012 – John Johansson

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John Johansson

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  • Case in point: vampires. Despite the fact that authors like Stephanie Meyer have turned vampires from bloodsuckers into superheroes with odd diaetary quirks, we need to get down to a serious comparison. Vampires are a counterfeit to the idea of eternal life. They are bound to this earth, preying on the living to sustain their murderous existences. They exist solely to take life to continue their own unlives. Christ came to surrender His life to give all of humanity the chance to accept or reject an eternal life that preys on nobody, just as He preyed on nobody. He offered Himself for others instead of taking others to sustain Himself. He is the complete antithesis to vampires and the very core of what Hallowe'en is.

  • I've seen a few posts like this in the last few days, and I must admit I am a little puzzled. I guess it comes down to how exactly you see Halloween. When I was a kid, Halloween was a chance to dress up as whatever I was into at the time and get some candy (I don't remember all of my childhood costumes, but I know I dressed as a baseball player one year, and mario from the nintendo games another). When I was in college it was just yet another excuse to party, just wearing something unusual.

    When I think of Halloween, that is what I think of, so it is strange to read "Everything about halloween is diametrically opposed to everything God is and stands for." I guess my question is, what exactly do you think about when you think of Halloween? Is it just the idea of the occult? Phil mentioned vampires, but they are just a scary story to tell and a good source for some fiction (although they are currently a bit played out). I don't mean to be insulting, but do you think that stuff is real? I guess I see it as just a bit of fun, I don't understand what the harm is.

  • Hi, Hausdorff.

    Many people believe as you do that there is nothing wrong with the day and that it is just a day of fun and candy. The origins of Halloween and its many traditions stem from pagan worship and the occult, all of which oppose God and all that is of God. When I see Halloween I see something that to me as a Christian is a 'conflict of interest'. How can I embrace or flirt with something that is filled with and sensationalizes hate, fear, terror, and the occult when as a Christian I am to embrace love, faith, peace and truth, especially the truth of the Gospel? We are to embrace that which is true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of a good report, things that are foreign and contradictory to what Halloween stands for. Many people try to find good in Halloween with the fun and candy it has, but that doesn't change what it stands for and what it is all about. Really, it is like putting manuer in a box and wrapping it up with wrapping paper covered with fun pictures and images, but it is still manuer no matter how you wrap it up.

    Hope that answers your question. Thanks for the input.

Published by
John Johansson

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