Recruiting for Followers

The recruiting push is on.  The recruiter is looking for those willing to give their all for the cause, even if it means their very lives.  This isn’t for the weak at heart or for those obstinate in their ways and in their own opinions.  This is for the hurting, the rejected, the despised and the humbled.  This is for those who acknowledge they can’t continue on their own, for those who desire the best available retirement plan.

What am I talking about?  I’m talking about Jesus.  He has issued a call for ANYONE who will follow Him.  There are no pre-qualifying conditions to be met, just a willingness to surrender and give ones all for Him, no matter what.  ANYONE can follow Him, but it has to be on His terms, and not our own.  Is that you?

We live in a time when there is more of a push to make converts of Christ, than there is for making disciples of Christ.  Not everyone signs on to be a convert, but it is much easier to make converts than it is to make disciples.  One way of describing those who are just converts is to call them fans, while we can describe disciples as followers.  Fans, like those we encounter at a sporting event, can have varying levels of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but that’s where it ends.  Followers can, much like fans, have a lot of passion and enthusiasm, knowing all the stats and facts and participating in all the events and fundraisers they can, but there is a significant difference between the two.  Fans “follow” on their terms.  They decide the limits of their “following” based on convenience, their own plans and goals, and even how much their willing to pay to follow Jesus.  Followers, on the other hand, have totally and completely surrendered everything about themselves to Jesus, and have a total commitment that has no limits of any kind for as long as they live.

On another note, fans try to maintain their own identity of who they are, but followers give up their identity in exchange for having their identity found in Christ.  Do you know what “Christian” means?  It means to be like Christ.  To be like Christ means to be a follower of Christ to such an extent that our identity is found in Him and in Him alone.  We are to mirror and to reflect Jesus and the mind of Christ to those around us in all we say and do.  When we are fans our own image is still seen on top of Christ’s, but as followers our own image cannot be seen.  Now, if this isn’t you don’t get yourself down.  The important thing is that you decide and commit to being a follower of Christ now and begin to make the necessary changes to reflect that decision, changes that will be reflected in your priorities.

So, Jesus is recruiting followers, people that will give their all for him holding nothing back.  Have you heard of couples having pre-nuptials going into marriage?  Well, just as you’re not really committed to the other person you’re marrying if you have pre-nuptials; even so with Christ you are not really committed to Him if you have a ‘bailout plan’ or plan “B” if it doesn’t work out like you want.  Jesus wants your all with no time-limits.

Will you sign on to be a true follower of Christ?  It will cost you everything, but the reward so outweighs the cost it is more than worth it.  You decide.   What will it be?

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John Johansson

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John Johansson

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