Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

For years I have been concerned about the current state of the Church in general, specifically the church in the USA.  As we see Bible end time prophesy unfolding before our very eyes, we would be hardpressed to think that Jesus’ return is not immiment or even close at hand, yet the church in general seems to be more caught up with life in general, both the good and the bad.  I sometimes wonder what it’s going to take before the church rises from it’s apathy and realizes the urgency of our times, but I also remember scripture that tells us the majority of those who call themselves Christians will not be ready for His return.  I hear people say that things have to get a lot worse before Christ returns, but is that true?  Or is that only true when it comes to Christ’s return at the end of the tribulation period?  The stage is being set for His return for His bride, and we need to make sure we are ready for Him.

I also hear people talk of a great revival that supposedly takes place before Christ returns for His bride, but I would have to disagree with that line of thought.  Yes, we are told that in the last days the Spirit of God will be poured out on all flesh, but I have two thoughts regarding this.  The first thought is what if what the church has been experiencing the past 60+ years with the Charismatic and Pentecostal movements is a fulfillment of that prophesy?  After all, if we were to take a step back and take a look at the past 60+ years we can see each of the items listed in that prophesy taking place like never before in history on all flesh.  Now, before you jump and tell me it is something more than what we’ve been experiencing, I want to remind you that when Jesus came the people did not recognize Him as the messiah because they had it determined within themselves how His appearing would happen.  Jesus did not fit the mold that they had conjured up in their minds, but that didn’t change the truth and the reality of things that He is who He says He is.  So, in like thinking we need to be careful not to quickly discount what the church has experienced the past 60+ years simply because it doesn’t look like what we think it should.  The second thought I have regarding this revival that some talk about is that it could possibly be a revival among those who get left behind after the rapture.  We know that there will be martyrs for the faith during the tribulation period, and oddly enough America is supposedly not mentioned in Bible prophesy for these last days, so I can’t help but wonder if the revival many talk about is actually going to take place after the rapture.  If that is the case, then it would appear to line up with other prophesy that indicate the falling away of many from the faith leading up to Christ’s return for His bride.  Instead of making sure they are ready for Christ when He comes for His bride, it appears that many are banking on more time because things are either not bad enough, or because there will be a great revival to come first, and both of those mindsets are very dangerous as many will be caught and left unaware.

This is not the time to be playing Russian roulette with your eternity, thinking you have more time because things aren’t bad enough or hanging out for the great revival to come.  What if He comes before these events, then what?  To follow Jesus after the rapture will be much, much harder and will require each person to literally give their lives for Christ, and if you’re not willing or able to do that now then what makes you think you will be able to then?

Don’t be deceived!!!!  He’s coming back as a thief while people are busy enjoying life and it’s many pleasures.  When He comes He will see who it is that has their affections first and foremost on Him and His return, because if they don’t then they will get left behind.  Did you know that according to ancient Jewish customs, not only did the bride not know when her groom was coming for her, but if when he did he found that her affections were not on him but on another or something else, or if she hadn’t been taking advantage of the time to prepare herself for him, then he could just as easily leave her behind and issue her a letter of divorcement?  You see, our marriage to Jesus, much like the ancient Jewish marriage customs, is not final and complete until after He’s come for us and has taken us to the marriage feast which takes place during the tribulation period.  We have to be watching and praying that we will be ready when He returns for His bride, otherwise we will be counted among the foolish virgins Jesus refered to in His parable of the 10 virgins.

So, I say all that to say, BE WATCHING AND GET YOURSELF READY FOR HIM!!  You eternity hinges on it!

John Johansson

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John Johansson

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  • You are pre-mil in outlook while I am post-mil. Yet I agree with you 100 % on your two main points. 1) Jesus will come back at any time, and 2) most folks in the American church are not prepared.

    I think many churches in this country are apostate. They preach self help and narcissistic moralism, not the God of the Bible. If your church is all about living better in this life, and not at all about living in the kingdom of heaven, it is time to find another church.


  • Hey, Harry, what do you mean by "pre-mil" and "post-mil"? Is that the same as "pre-trib" and "post-trib"? Never heard those terms before.

    Thanks for the input. While some may not fall to the "lust of the flesh", or the "lust of the eye", many still fall for the "pride of life", even within our churches. They are more caught up with living for the moment and enjoying all that this life and the world has to offer them, and because of it they struggle finding room for God, doing the will of God for their lives, reaching the lost with the Gospel, or even desiring heaven more than life here on earth. That doesn't mean God doesn't want to prosper them or make their lives better, but like you indicated that can not be our primary focus or ambition otherwise we become foolish in the eyes of God. This is nothing more than selfish, self-centeredness when we need to be Christ-centered reaching out to others as His ambassadors.

    John; @rshophar, and @johnejo

Published by
John Johansson

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